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You won’t see this in the Mainstream Media

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“The global oligarchy controls all of the major media. The media mega-corporations own each other’s stock, and in turn are owned and controlled by an oligarchy of transnational corporations, international bankers, and European dynastic families. In the United States, six global media corporations control 90% of what we see, hear and read: COMCAST (NBC/Universal) NEWS CORP (Fox News / Wall Street Journal) TIME WARNER (CNN) VIACOM DISNEY (ABC) CBS. The oligarchy controls the major internet search engine and the major Internet social media site: GOOGLE and FACEBOOK. The oligarchy controls the major print and broadcast media around the world, including NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, REUTERS, ASSOCIATED PRESS, BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION), THE TIMES OF LONDON. The oligarchy also controls the most influential alternative media news sources.” https://beyondthemediamatrix.net 


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