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“Why should we give God thanks”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

‘O’ give thanks unto God of heaven: for his mercy endureth forever. 

(Psalm 136:26) 

Over three and a half centuries, or four hundred years ago, a little band of men and women joined their hands and hearts in America’s first Thanksgiving. With Indian guests, they gathered around a table for the New World’s first Thanksgiving dinner. Measured by our standards they did not have much. The harvest was in, and they were grateful to God. But their needs were substantial, and there were no supermarkets down the street. Cold, hunger, and sickness threatened their very lives. 

How far in some ways have we come since that first day of thanks in 1621? Today more than two hundred million people populate our land. We produce more food, more fuel, and more finished products than any nation in the world. Measured by dollars and cents our Gross National Product (GNP) exceeds one trillion dollars and is climbing every year. Science and industry do our bidding. We can even send a man to the moon. 


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