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Who’s in to Win It for District Council Races

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s our civic duty to vote. Once you become of the age-of-18, in America, you are supposed to register to vote and then, on election dates, go to the polls and vote or sign up to be able to vote by mail. 

In Philadelphia, we are in the midst of a very exciting and interesting political season with some 14 people running for Mayor (ten of them are democrats), three independents, and one lone republican. There are 30 names of people said to be running for City Council At Large, every district councilperson is facing an opponent in the upcoming May 16th Primary election, and both the incumbent Sheriff, Rochelle Bilal, and the incumbent Register of Wills, Tracy Gordon, have opponents too. Let me not leave out the fact that there are ten seats on Philadelphia Common Pleas Court that need to be filled and two seats on Philadelphia’s Municipal Court that need to be filled. Did I get everybody? I think so. 

In this week’s column, I’m focusing on who the people are running against incumbent district city council persons. I must say in the 5th Council District there’s a new, hot twist since it was announced yesterday by Philadelphia City Council President Darrell Clarke that after four decades working as a public servant, he is not running for reelection. The scuttlebutt has been out there for over the last two months or so that there was a possibility that Clarke would not run again, but now he’s made it official. 

Do you know what that means? When the new Philadelphia City Council is sworn-in in January of 2024, there’s going to be a lot of novices sitting in the chamber. I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m just pointing out facts. 


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