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“When Birds Worry”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lord, Help Us To Have Faith And Not Worry. Amen. 

You are behind on your bills, and you got more months than money, Don’t worry. 

Your marriage is on the rocks because your mate doesn’t want to act right. Don’t worry. 

You went to the doctor, and he gave you a report about your health that you didn’t want to hear. Don’t worry. 

You have some kids who make Bebe’s kids seem like perfect angels, and you are at the end of your rope. Don’t kill them. 

You have been trying to get this job that will have you doing something you really like to do as well as pay you what you know you are worth. Don’t worry. 

You have a car that’s about to fall apart, you need a new one, but you can’t afford to have a big car note. Don’t worry. 

You’ve been riding past this house that’s your dream house, and you see you and the family living in it, claim it. Don’t worry. 

You just lost your job, and you’re not sure how you are going to make it. Don’t worry. 

You have a co-worker who seems to want to make your life a living hell, and you really want to smack the heaven out of them (don’t do it you will get locked up, lol). No, just remember, don’t worry, 

JESUS will work it all out if you have faith, if you believe and if you let HIM. Take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there. Take your problems, and place them at the foot of That Old Rugged Cross and leave them there. The Prophet David told us that GOD never sees the righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread. GOD will give us the desires of our hearts if we take HIM by HIS word. Now that’s a good reason to shout and give HIM the same praise. AMEN!!! 


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