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What’s wrong with us or them?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

What’s happening SCOOP USA Country? How’s the Family? Today is a good day, and we’d better make the most of it! What a week to reflect on! Dr. Martin Luther King’s Celebration, the continued mayhem of violence and murders in the city, hostage-takings, and carjacking. 

Then there is the defeat of Biden’s legislative debacle because of two so-called demos, who just won’t chime in with the “Democratic Party” even after one year of trying to work as a party with them! 

Mr. President, do you still believe they have the will of the people whom they are supposed to represent or the Party–they say they are a part of in mind? They claim to be Democrats, but their voting records show they are 100% Republican bona fide/certified! So, Mr. President, you met with them on every piece of legislation you initiated, and the Party twisted, carved, and manipulate a product to their perfection. And, still, they side with the opposing party when it comes time to vote for their shenanigans!!! Well, let’s see what’s next for them to show once again their true nature. Hey everybody, “What’s wrong with this picture?” 


Thank you for reading Tyrone Reed’s article on scoopnewsusa.com. For more on “What’s wrong with us or them?”, please subscribe to SCOOP USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital, and VIZION) are $90. (52 weeks / 1 year).

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