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What’s AT STAKE in this 2022 Election?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our American democracy is under attack! We are witnessing indecent people in politics promoting vile agendas and policies that adversely hurt the middle class, lower class, the sick, immigrants, women, people of color, and the elderly in America. 

Some politicians are literally trying to hijack democracy to move towards something that resembles a tyrannical, racist, misogynistic, dictator-esque political agenda. I’m not spouting any conspiracy theories or personal opinions. I’m stating FACTS! 

The GOP Republican party has been sadly hijacked by Trump-MAGA GOP Republicans! These new radicalized-extremist Trump MAGA Republicans are dangerous to democracy, racist in their ideology, favorable toward catering to the rich, and very oppressive towards the sick, poor, people of color, immigrants, and elderly. 

This is the first major election cycle post-Trump era and the political vitriol, hate speech, and mean-spirited policies from the Trump-MAGA/GOP Republicans continue to ratchet up across America. 

Full transparency. Many years ago, I used to be a Republican; most of my political views lean conservative. But I could not in good conscience remain a member of a political party that evolved into an extremist group. So, I became a longstanding Independent. 

Governors, U.S. Senators, State Representatives, Mayors, Judges, and City Council folk have more influence on our day-to-day living than the U.S. President! Your vote for these positions – THIS MIDTERM NOVEMBER 2022 ELECTION – is vital to the integrity and decency of preserving our democracy in this country. 

Major news outlets are reporting on the horrible faction of Trump MAGA/GOP Republicans that are bold, brazen, and bullish about pushing their crazy, dishonest, corrupt political agendas across this nation. Their venomous ideologies, politics, and policies are indecent, immoral, and repugnant. I have the receipts! 

Here are just a few excerpts from objective major news outlets criticizing the Trump MAGA-led GOP Republican party and their hostile political agenda and failures… 


Thank you for reading Rev. Michael Robinson’s article on scoopnewsusa.com. For more on “What’s AT STAKE in this 2022 Election”, please subscribe to SCOOP USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital, and VIZION) are $90. (52 weeks / 1 year).

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