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What are the most important things Americans can do, to be good citizens?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are so many ways Americans can be good citizens and act like they care about this nation of ours.

How about let’s start by obeying the laws of the land? Then should you get in trouble and have to go before a judge, the belief is that you will get a fair day in court. (We know a fair day in court doesn’t always happen for “everyone,” but we can’t give up hope that one day, we will all be judged equally).

You know the saying, “You are innocent until proven guilty. If found to be guilty, you get a sentence, and you do your time.

In America, there are so many laws to abide by, and truly the majority of Americans will never know or understand all the rules. But the basics, we should all know, especially once you become an adult.

Actually, some of the man-made laws of the land almost sound like they came straight from the Bible. Thou shalt not steal. When you steal in America, and get caught, you usually get arrested and then have to go through the criminal justice system.

How about “Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife/husband.” It is still illegal in some states to have an affair with a married person.

There’s a law about participating on a jury in court. A lot of us don’t like the thought of jury duty. However, it is a part of what adult American Citizens are supposed to do when requested.

It’s illegal to drive without insurance.
It’s illegal to drive without a license.
It’s illegal to take on someone else’s identity–as in identity theft.

To be a good citizen in America, the best thing you can do is to try and respect the laws of the land. Some laws are simply common sense. Perhaps others, we all could use a little more education on.

One thing I know for sure. It’s not a “law” that we vote on election days; however, it should be a law. When every American turns age 18, they should be mandated by law to register to vote and then to vote on Election Day. Much like I was told all Americans must access some healthcare or be penalized—-there should be such penalties for people who refuse to vote, who refuse to participate in the political process.

We have a primary election coming up on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. I implore every SCOOP reader that is 18 or over, or who will be 18 by April 23, please make sure you are registered to vote and on Election Day or before Election Day, through voting by mail, cast your ballot for the candidates of your choice.

That’s one of the very important things Americans who are of the mandated age can do. That is one hundred percent civic-minded. It’s not a law that Americans must vote, but absolutely we should.

As I stated at the beginning of this column, there are far too many laws for us Americans to know all of them. If we just follow the basic laws of this country, we should make out all right.

It’s a law that we educate our children. It’s a law that we shall not kill—and if we do, punishment will surely follow.

While we’re following the law about educating our children, we should definitely make sure that civics is part of what our children study. It should not be a short class rushed over a two or three-month time frame. In my opinion, civics should be taught every school year from 3rd grade up through 12th grade.

Maybe after that, we’ll have more Americans who are astute about the laws of the land, why we should love our country, and what we can do to make the United States a better, more peaceful place to live as law-abiding citizens.


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