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URBAN NETWORKING – Your Social Capital Investment Portfolio

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is the mission of every Urban Networker to turn total strangers into Allies. This is one of your greatest powers as an Urban Networker. Every good friend and comrade you have once started out as a total stranger. 

How To Develop Your Social Capital Investment Portfolio 

1. In our last article, we developed our Social Capital Investment Plan. We divided our network into five levels: Acquaintance, Associate, Friends, Advocate, and Ally 

2. Once you have identified the level of your network relationships. The next step is to classify them into roles. 

Recognizing Roles 

Part of your strategic approach to urban networking is understanding what roles people play with regard to initiatives and business ventures. There are certain individuals you must have to be successful in any business or community initiative. They are as follows: 

Mentors – Mentors are essential relationships for any Urban Networker. They provide meaningful commitments and are trusted connections. They are excellent sounding boards for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. 

Close Collaborators – These are individuals who work with you early on in your initiative or pursuit of guidance, resources, and support. Close Collaborators help you plan, coordinate and implement your initiative. 

Legitimate Initiators – These individuals are essential as they represent groups and organizations. They are leaders who have lots of followers. Examples include pastors, ward leaders, committee people, heads of advisory boards, block captains, elected officials, non-profit executive directors, city officials, corporate, community, and business leaders. 

Product Champions – These individuals have already adopted your initiative or business venture as the way to go. They openly and constantly advocate and promote your products, services, and resources. 

Opponents – Not to be confused with enemies. Opponents are vital to the planning process because they will find holes in your reasoning and will question your plan. Opponents make you better. 

Minders – These individuals may be funders or major donors. They may also be in positions of power and can ensure your initiative is protected and nurtured in the growth stages. They may be an elected official, senior pastor, executive director, or corporate or business leader. 

Network Entrepreneurs – Also known as Connectors, they open doors to various networks for you. They are always introducing you to new people and opportunities. 

Gatekeepers – These individuals are the guardians of supplies and resources you need. Gatekeepers are the individuals who may stand between you getting access to the individuals or resources you need to achieve your goals. They stand guard over resources, however minor. The Urban Networker knows how to navigate the gatekeeper. 

– Identify the assistants, secretaries, and receptionists of the powerful prospects. 

– Cultivate them. 

– Find out their birthdays and ensure that you give them birthday cards every year. 

– Slip them a little “something” around the holidays and special occasions. Let them know you think they are just as important as the people they work for. 

The final step in creating a Social Capital Investment Portfolio is developing a system to recruit, engage and involve these individuals into strategic networking action planning. 

Strategic relationships are developed through personal contact, exchanging ideas, the building rapport, and demonstrating to that person you have their best interest in mind. 

Your strategic networking steps are: 

1. Create personal contact episodes – coffee dates, lunch, meetings, happy hour, phone calls, special events, office & home visits. 

2. Engaging & involving. Get them involved in your projects or initiatives and/or you become involved in their initiatives. 

3. Look out for them. Let them know about opportunities and resources. Send them news clippings, tagging them on posts or videos regarding their occupation or field. Let them know you are concerned about their goals. 

Finally, the Urban Networker strategically moves individuals from casual relationships to mutually beneficial ones that move their agenda forward. They are continually recruiting individuals with competence and integrity to their inner circle. 

If you invest in social capital your ROI (return on investment) will continuously reap rewards and dividends. Next Month, – Developing your SNAP – Your Strategic Networking Action Plan. 

Michael Rice is an award-winning social innovator and author of the Urban Networking: The Essential Guide for the Urban Professional Volume I, a step-by-step guide to developing, cultivating, and capitalizing on networking opportunities and relationships. Learn more about networking strategies and events by subscribing to our Facebook page – Professional Networking Associates. Michael Rice is also the author of Be Magnificent! Exceed Your Expectations, a transformational guide for thought control and mind management. In addition, he is the producer and director of “The Connector Live,” a weekly internet video blog on the New Urban Network on YouTube. 

He touches thousands of individuals and organizations with his insights, commentary, and suggestions for achievement and positive outcomes. Rice recently founded his own organization, Community Partners in Change, www.communitypartnersinchange.org, an organization dedicated to providing capacity-building workshops and strategic planning to local communities. He is also a trainer, community strategist, and motivational speaker. He is available for speaking engagements (both large and intimate), including educational institutions, faith-based organizations, conferences, and workshops. 

Contact: theconnector@verizon.net or call 267-303-0653.

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