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Urban Networking: Five Tips to becoming a Master Networker

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As a professional networker, it has been my job to meet and establish relationships with a variety of powerful and influential people. These relationships have led to incredible outcomes in business, community, and social arenas. 

After years of relationship building and establishing mutually beneficial relationships, networking is second nature to me now. 

I admit, in the beginning, I was thoroughly intimated in a room full of professionals, even though many of them were my peers. It appeared everyone was part of the club except for me, so instead of seamlessly weaving myself into and out of conversations, collecting vital contact info, and creating allies, I aligned myself with the nearest wall. It was not until I decided to change my outcomes and began studying the art of networking did I change my circumstance and gain mastery over my negative thought patterns. 

After studying massive amounts of books, including: 

The Networking Bible 

How to Win Friends and Influence People 

Never Eat Alone 

The Power of Positive Thinking 

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, and 

Awaken the Giant Within 

I began to recognize my inner power; and utilize it in my social and business encounters. 

I learned that “relationship building” was all about “DNA.” 

DNA is Decision-Making and Action-Taking. 

First, decide what your goals are, and then take massive action to obtain them. I acknowledged that I was a valuable resource and to step up my game by interacting with my colleagues, coworkers, friends, and allies. 

What I came to realize was that networking is a leadership skill. It is as important as setting goals, motivating staff, and creating positive change. Networking is an essential skill in managing people and building collaborative relationships. 

If you are challenged in this area, great news. I am going to share five essential keys for mastering your networking capacity. The secret is study and embed these basic guidelines into your psyche. Some of these skills may seem elementary, but you will be surprised to learn how many so-called professionals fail to practice these ground rules. 

Let’s get started: 

1. BE PREPARED – Always have a business card and a pen with you. You would be surprised at the number of people who show up to seriously network and have no business card or even a pen to obtain contact information. Remember your business card is actually a mini-commercial that continues to play when you are away. 

Today, cell phones are becoming one of the essentials of networking as well. In lieu of a pen, you can just enter your target’s contact information into your phone and instantly send your information to your new prospect. 

Tip – While you are entering their information, add a coffee date or phone date to your calendar. 

2. STAY ON THE MOVE – Circulate to percolate. 

Network with new and different people. Don’t just hang out with your coworkers or buddies. Expand your horizons. Talk to people outside your job or even your career field. Target individuals who seem to be by themselves. Join in on group conversations. Get out of your comfort zone. 

Someone once said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” 

Sometimes talking to someone gives you a fresh perspective or new information that can impact you in a positive fashion. You never know who knows who. Although the person may be in a different career field, they may still have connections you can benefit from. 

3. EXTEND EVERY CONTACT – Follow-up is very important. Follow-up has been ranked as the number one trait of a successful networker. Send an email or a handwritten note to each networking contact within 48 hours. This makes you unique and memorable. Call your contact, set up lunch dates and after-work meetings. 

4. BE A DIFFERENCE MAKER – Focus on making a positive impression in each encounter. Be complimentary and courteous. Extend your best self. Your mission is to make the other person smile. If you accomplish this, then their memory of you will be pleasant. 

Remember, it is not who YOU know. 

It is WHO knows you. 

You have no idea how your name and character are discussed when you are not around. Give the best impression you can. 

For those of you who are nervous and worried about making a good impression, here’s a great idea. 

5. PRETEND ITS PRACTICE – That’s right. If you are new to networking, then this is just a practice session. Try out different approaches, and don’t worry about the outcome. If you make a connection, fine. If not, don’t worry–it’s only practice. Utilize this as a learning experience. 

Before you attend a networking event, practice in the mirror. 

Prepare a short 1–2-minute introduction about yourself. 

Have a joke or a funny story in your bag of tricks. 

Have fun. “Life is too short to drink cheap wine.” Live life to the fullest—Go for it. 

Remember what the late, great Master Networker Earl Harvey, publisher of Black Professional News, used to say, “Be a relationship connector and not just a business card collector.” 

Michael Rice is an award-winning social innovator and author of the transformational guide, “Be Magnificent-Exceed Your Expectations. This is a mandatory book for the Urban Professional, filled with personal power enhancing and social engagement strategies that will change your business and social life. 

Go to www.michaelricespeaks.com to pick up your copy. Rice is also a producer/director and content creator for the New Urban Network and the ConnectorNetwork on YouTube. Rice’s weekly video blogs, inspirational videos, and insightful interviews provide business, social, and personal development information beneficial to individuals, non-profit organizations, and businesses seeking to develop better relationships. Mr. Rice is also a trainer, motivational speaker, and community engagement specialist. 

For information regarding personal and organizational development workshops and events, call 267-303-0653 or email: theconnector@verizon.net 

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