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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Trust And Believe

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Father, We Give You Praise And
Thanksgiving For Watching Over Us!
This is a crazy mixed-up world full of negative people and haters. Now for the most part, if they had their way, they would love to see you fail. But God told me to tell you that you will not fail because you are HIS CHILD so, therefore, you are a winner. So the question of the day is are you going to listen to your so-called friends and the world or are you going to trust and believe your HEAVENLY FATHER who is the GOD OF YOUR SALVATION?
Who you gonna trust and believe?
Let me put it like this. Somebody say, “Break it down Brother Brown!”
Scientists are saying that you evolved from a monkey, but GOD said HE formed you from the dust of the earth…who you gonna trust and believe?
The world says that you are ugly and unattractive, but GOD says you are beautifully made, wonderful, and special…who you gonna trust and believe?
Somebody told you that you weren’t worth their time caring about, but GOD says you are blessed and highly favored….who you gonna trust and believe?
The world says you can’t do it, but GOD says you can do all things through CHRIST…who you gonna trust and believe?
The world says that you are no good, but GOD says that you are made in HIS image….who you gonna trust and believe?
The banker said you can’t have that loan for that new house or car, but JESUS said anything you ask in MY NAME shall be given unto you….who you gonna trust and believe?
The doctor said you have a chronic and terminal illness, and you can’t get better, but GOD said prayer changes things….who you gonna trust and believe?
Folks are saying that your goal and your dream is impossible, but GOD says all things are possible if you only believe…who you gonna trust and believe?
Your business is struggling, and your accountant is saying you need to give it up, but GOD says help is on the way….who you gonna trust and believe?
The world says that you are a bum and good for nothing, but GOD says that you are special and one of a kind….who you gonna trust and believe?
Your neighbor said you can’t make it, but GOD says yes, you can….who you gonna trust and believe?
Somebody told you to hate your enemies cause they mean you no good, but GOD says to love your enemies, and you shall be blessed for doing so….who you gonna trust and believe?
The teacher said you can’t achieve it, but GOD says HE will make a way out of no way…who you gonna trust and believe?
Your funds are low, and you have no food to eat, but GOD says I’LL feed you when you are hungry….who you gonna trust and believe?
Your child is not doing right, and the authorities are saying they are on their way to jail, but GOD says if you pray and have faith, I will pick them up and turn them around….who you gonna trust and believe?
The government is treating you wrong, and it seems you can’t get justice, but GOD says let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream…who you gonna trust and believe?
Yes, the world is saying no matter what you do, you can’t get through it, but GOD is saying if you trust and never doubt, HE will surely bring you out, and you shall come forth as pure gold….so beloved who you gonna trust?
Who you gonna believe?
Who you gonna listen to?
Who has your back?
Who won’t let you fall or fail?
Who will never let you down?
Who’s your DADDY?
Who you gonna love?
Now, I can’t speak for you, but I call HIM “JESUS” and HE’s my friend that sticks closer than a brother. HE’s my bridge over troubled water. HE’s my sunshine on a cloudy day, and I’m gonna trust HIM till I die!!!! Can I get a witness? I feel like getting my praise on and doing the HOLY GHOST SLIDE! Yes sir!!!! AMEN, SOMEBODY AMEN!!!
Wow, that felt good!!!!
This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd, letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today, my friend! Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at http://www.yourspiritualmotivation.com. You can also buy my publication: “800 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from Amazon.com or www.wmrockybrown3rd.com or by email: wmrocbe@aol.com or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $20.00 s/h included.

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