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Tools to build Confidence and Self-Reliance (Pt 2)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“A library is the center of the world – a point transcending time in which the past, present, and future converge in a flash of light.”
Eldridge Cleaver
(2) Black History and Culture Library
One Book at a time!
Dr. John Henrik Clarke taught us that “history should tell people who they are, what they have been, what their full potential is, what they still must be, where they come from, where they are, and where they still must go! If it fails to do so, it is useless.”
Sisters and brothers, it also must be understood that African culture is the totality of thought and practice by which Black people create themselves, celebrate themselves, sustain and develop themselves, and introduce themselves to history and humanity.
The sooner we start building libraries at home, the sooner our children can begin to walk on a path of confidence, pride, and independent thinking.
The earlier our children read, the stronger the possibility of Black Greatness! My parents were readers, and that daily behavior (in itself) encouraged me to read and explore the pages of books and encyclopedias. Children have the tendency to mimic their parent’s behaviors and patterns within the household. Today there are countless books written by Black authors who have become authorities on certain topics for our development and survival. Also, there are thousands of books authored by Black people that have captured the imagination and images of a fictional world that our children would be attracted to if properly introduced and presented.
Unfortunately, there are so many irrelevant and detrimental mediums that are deliberately pushed and geared toward Black children; without proper structure in our homes, this strategy often eliminates organic attraction to our brilliant historical and literary power. It is not difficult to obtain books to start a library for your children. Actually, there are many Black families that are willing to pass on books that have been previously read by their children who have intellectually grown and moved to the next level in life. Today, there are many organizations and institutions that hold ‘African-American Book Fairs.’ These are excellent opportunities to take advantage of for our children’s mental growth and intellectual stimulation.
Fortunately, we have the oldest Black bookstore in Philadelphia in my community, Hakim’s Bookstore, which has been a pillar of knowledge for thousands of West Philadelphia residents. For the last (50) years, I have purchased books on the Black experience from Hakim’s. Every time I entered this amazing temple of knowledge, Hakim made me feel right at home, just like his family does today. Also, a block down houses the Lucien E. Blackwell Public Library. Yes, I have kept my library card active for over (50) years, and I make it mandatory for my students to obtain a Philadelphia free library card. There are thousands of young Black adults who have not entered a public library in over (20) years and have never read a book from cover to cover.
Some Black families think that we have to have fancy bookshelves to begin a home library. All we actually need to start a tangible library is plastic crates! Yes, plastic crates can easily be stacked against a wall and stacked on top of each other. These crates are sturdy, safe, and easy to wipe down and clean.
Please contact me if you know of any reader who wishes to start a Black history library at your home or dwelling. I may have some African-centered books that you may be interested in reading.

Read more of this weeks Scoop at https://scoopusa-pa.newsmemory.com.

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