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Time Will Tell If Donald Trump Gets to be Above the Law

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, no one should be above the law, not even a current or past president of the United States. It’s the American way. If you commit a crime and it can be proven that you committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, you should have to pay for the crime you committed. I think the American public has seen proof, time and time again, as it relates to former President Donald Trump and his misdeeds, yet he still seems to keep getting a pass for his crimes. Most recently, on Tuesday, June 13, the world watched as Donald Trump marched back into a Federal Courthouse to be arrested and arraigned, then released on his own recognizance as he faces 37 very serious charges against him.

Let’s talk about the special treatment Trump received on June 13.

He did not have to surrender his passport.
He did not have to get a mugshot taken.
He was fingerprinted, but it was a new system–where no ink was used. It was a computerized fingerprinting situation.

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