Following the most severely cold January and February this region has seen in the past decade, PECO is urging its customers to take advantage of the LIHEAP before the season is over.
Patricia King, the Manager of Community Engagement for PECO, had just returned from a trip to Washington, DC, meeting with members of the Congress and Senate, lobbying for funding for the program, shortly before our interview. King’s position entails creating awareness, access, and advocacy for low-income customers and communities. She’s also the lead person for the State of Pennsylvania for LIHEAP Action Day, a day on the Hill where people from around the country come to lobby for a piece of the pie. Pennsylvania is the third largest allocation of all fifty states due to the large amount of poverty in the state.
“LIHEAP is not an entitlement, it’s an appropriation, which is why we have to lobby for it…so this is why we have to go to the DC every year ensuring this funding gets appropriated every year. This year is exceptionally different because we know many programs are on the chopping block, and we’re optimistic that LIHEAP will be funded for the next program year (by the next program year), I’m referring to November 2025,” said King.
In Pennsylvania, LIHEAP is a seasonal program, running from November 4, 2024, until April 4, 2025, during the winter months when LIHEAP is open in the State of Pennsylvania.
Applicants can apply for LIHEAP by contacting their local County Assistance Office (CAO) by phone or in person, applying online at, or by calling the LIHEAP Client Helpline at 1- 866-857-7095.
LIHEAP grants can range from $300 to $1,000 based on household size, income, and the type of fuel. Households at or below the 150% income level threshold meet the eligibility for LIHEAP. Crisis Assistance is a federal grant awarded to income-eligible consumers who are either without utility services or received a ten-day shut- off notice. Eligible households may apply for Crisis Assistance and LIHEAP benefits at the same time.
According to King, “Over two-thirds of all eligible LIHEAP recipients have at least one vulnerable family member, be it a child, elderly family member or a dis- abled individual.”
King stressed the importance of the Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP), explaining, “This is very important funding for PECO customers; the program is open now and closes very soon. The minimum amount for anyone who’s approved is $200, the maximum amount is $1,000 and that’s if they’re not delinquent. You do not have to be delinquent to get a LIHEAP grant. You just have to qualify from an income perspective, and for that, it’s 150% of the Federal poverty level or below. There’s information on the PECO website at or by calling the PECO LIHEAP Hotline at 1-800-34H-ELP4 (1-800- 344-3574).
“We know from census data that there are more people who qualify than there’s funding, and many people don’t apply. Sometimes it’s awareness. They don’t know, and some people are unaware that they must reapply every year. You must use the current year’s application every year you re-apply. Otherwise, the application will be rejected. This is a federal grant administered by the state by the Department of Human Services.”
King urges people to share the information with someone else, even if their income levels exceed the program guidelines, to help them manage their heating costs.
PECO also has a full suite of assistance programs. Information on those programs can be found at
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