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This is Scary

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I came across an article on an alternative news/opinion website and it offered a shockingly unique perspective on the COVID scenario. In essence, the writers postulated and supplied documentation to support their thesis that COVID deaths, either from it or with it, are being used to balance the books of the private banks, insurance companies, and government “social safety net programs” like Social Security and Medicare!
www.lewrockwell.com/2021/06/no_author/the-unthinkable- culling-the-population-to-balance-the-books/
I am familiar with and have shared information about the eugenics (population control/reduction) movement, its global sponsorship and patronage by the U.S. billionaire class by families like the Rockefellers, Kelloggs, Gates, and Carnegies, etc. (see my two-part commentaries on eugenics at https://jrswriter.wordpress.com/ 2020/08/24/eugenics-and-you-part-1/ and https://jrswriter. wordpress.com/2020/09/01/eugenics-and-you-part-2/).
The eugenics movement started in England and was later made famous by Adolph Hitler, who picked it up from the Anglo-Americans who funded his rise to power in Germany.
Bill and Matthew Sardi, the authors of this article, are well aware there is something nefarious about the COVID crisis. They knew it was a multi-faceted agenda, but they put it in actuarial terms and perspective. They mentioned the virus could be man-made, and mandated vaccines are part of the agenda, but that was not their focus. Their focus wasn’t the money Big Pharma was going to make off of the global mandate of untested experimental concoctions, and their focus wasn’t the rip-offs from the giant financial institutions of the stimulus money. Their focus was on the cumulative savings from planned deaths that would save money and balance the books of the pensions funds, insurance companies, and private bankers! The funds in these accounts were in jeopardy of being depleted because people are living too long!
The authors pointed out that in the U.S., a large percentage of the people who died from COVID were elderly who either lived in long-term care facilities or who were sent to nursing homes and hospitals. “To deal with impending insolvency social planners and government overlords discuss alternatives: (a) cut back on services (ration delivery of healthcare and trim pension checks); (b) increase taxes and insurance premiums; (c) delay enrollment in these programs; (d) or the unthinkable, the unmentionable, via neglect or by intention, increase the premature die-off of retirees to save these programs from insolvency…Here is how Social Security actuaries view the problem. The pandemic is likely to increase unemployment and reduce payroll deductions which serve as revenue to the Social Security OASDI Trust Fund. Under one scenario insurance actuaries plotted that 362,000 older Americans would prematurely succumb to the COVID-19 virus. That is out of an estimated 1.4 million aged Americans that reside in nursing homes… One rationale for engineering lifespan, so people die on time is that 13-25% of healthcare costs occur in the last six months of life. Eliminate these fragile, aged, infirm, vulnerable, feeble-minded people, and you have fixed your accounting books. Most of the people (99.74%) dying of COVID-19 in the U.S. were institutionalized. The virus targeted the frail elderly in nursing homes… The average monthly Social Security today is $1543/month. These premature deaths would save $46,290,000,000 ($46.29 billion) if all of the deaths were among retirees who receive pension checks ($1543 x 12 X 2,500,000 = $46.9 billion)” -The Unthinkable Culling the Population To Balance the Books Bill and Matthew Sardi www.lewrockwell.com/2021/06/no_author/the-unthinkable-culling-the-population-to-balance-the-books/ (underlined emphasis is mine)
The authors go on to show using charts, graphs, and actuarial reports that COVID was a double-edged sword. On one hand it got rid of a lot of elderly people, thus saving money from pensions, Social Security, and retirement accounts, but the downside was the loss of revenue due to unemployment, loss of tax revenue, and withholdings the lockdowns caused! “Here is how Social Security actuaries view the problem. The pandemic is likely to increase unemployment and reduce payroll deductions, which serve as revenue to the Social Security OASDI Trust Fund. Under one scenario, insurance actuaries plotted that 362,000 older Americans would prematurely succumb to the COVID-19 virus. That is out of an estimated 1.4 million aged Americans that reside in nursing homes. The actuaries refer to this population of institutionalized Americans as “older people who would have died from other causes over the next several years.” In other words, they were going to die soon anyway. These premature deaths induced by the virus would represent~25% of the nursing home population in the US.” Ibid
This is cold-blooded, but it makes complete sense and is a total compliment to all the other immoral components of the COVID Global Reset agenda. I don’t have room to summarize or quote the whole article. Please use this link to read it for yourself, then meditate on its implications. www.lewrockwell.com/2021/06/no_author/the-unthinkable-culling-the-population-to-balance-the-books/

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