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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We need to be told the truth! Before you and I speak, please make sure it is not a lie! If it is your opinion, please make sure that the person or people who will be introduced to the information know it is just that. Some people think that racism is why black people are being killed and mistreated by law enforcement, but is it? Yes, racism still exists, but to me, lying and believing the lie is the most dangerous force. 

When you look at most situations that are tied to default in duty, at least one lie was told. I am paraphrasing Minister Farrakhan, “Whenever there is a fear of some consequence, penalty or punishment that would threaten your backside, most will lie to cover it.” The Bible says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) Are we free yet? Are we free from lying yet? 

All of us have been ill-affected by lies! Do you remember the very first lie you heard? Do you remember the very first lie you told? Who was it that lied to you? Why did you lie? How much time did it take for the truth to come out? How long did it take for you to tell the person you lied to the truth? That is where we need to correct this behavior in the beginning. The Bible says, “So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.” (Hebrews 6:18) We have to practice being truthful! When we get in the habit of telling the truth, not only will we reflect on Allah (God) more, we will be more trustworthy to others. There is power in the truth! 

During this pandemic, do you feel that you were told the truth about COVID-19? If so, what was true? If not, what was a lie? How did you come up with your conclusion? What research have you done? What are your sources? How did you verify the information given? What changes did you make because of the information received? Was the information helpful? Did you get COVID-19? Did anyone in your home or family get COVID-19? Did anyone in your home or family die from COVID-19? Please make sure that you are doing your own research and making informed decisions. We do not need half of the truth because half of the truth is a lie! We need to know the “why” that will expose someone’s motives. The Bible says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

On June 21, I interviewed two different people. The first was Hawa. Hawa is from West Africa (Guinea), and she has been in business for 28 years in America. Hawa got her citizenship in 2005. During this Pandemic her business was able to survive, and after about 45 days, she reopened taking just two customers at a time, by appointment only. I asked her, “Did she get COVID-19, or did anyone in her family get it or die? She responded, “No!” During this time, Hawa said, “She learned to be more grateful and to help others. I will give money or feed people if that will help them.” Even though her business is in downtown Wilmington, she did not receive any damage from the riots last year. Hawa has been braiding my hair off and on since 2009. We have developed a business friendship, and as a result of our interactions over the years, I can understand some of the eight languages that she speaks. 

The second person I interviewed was a customer of Hawa’s name Angie. Angie said, “She did not get COVID-19, and nobody in her family got it.” I asked, “How did this pandemic affect her?” She said, “She got a better job!” Also, Angie started eating healthier and trying to help people. 

Different people have had different experiences, some good and some not, but we all have changed. 

I pray that the change was for the better, and we are learning to appreciate life more. We can make better decisions with truthful information, and there is no shame if you do not know. The shame comes from pretending that you do. The Holy Qur’an says, “Say: Whether you hide what is in your hearts or manifest it, Allah knows it. And He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And Allah is Possessor of power over all things.” (3:29) As time goes on and different information is made known, all will be revealed, but I like to follow the one that already knows. I trust Allah (God) and His word because I know He does not lie. He is the absolute truth (Al-Haqq)! 

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