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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Peace family! I pray that we are striving to reflect God (Allah) by improving ourselves and helping others. Please, go out every day in The Name of God (Allah). So you will be successful in everything good that you do daily. We must encourage one another daily to be righteous but not judgmental so that our light will call people out of the darkness.

On June 6, 2021, I partnered with The Peacekeepers of Wilmington, Delaware, to show some love in the community by giving out gallons of water, vegetables, and fruits. Our community needs love, and that is the medicine needed to heal the wounds of the past. The Peacekeepers and other organizations that are doing positive things in the community are needed all over the country. Money will not fix our problems! I will say that again. Money will not fix our problems! The Bible says, “Why is there in the hand of a fool the purchase price of wisdom, since he has no heart for it?” (Proverbs 17:16) We have to learn how to love others despite our differences until our minds expand to understand the difference.

Just imagine if every person really saw the value in keeping the peace. What would our communities look like? The drug dealers, gone! The rapists, gone! The robbers, gone! Human trafficking, gone! Child abuse, gone! Spousal abuse, gone! Murders, gone! Adulterous behavior, gone! Any behavior that would break the peace, almost non-existent. It would actually become strange to sin. Please strive to be a Peacekeeper in some way, shape, or form!

It takes a special kind of person to be foremost in striving to keep the peace because the truth is the component that most people have compromised to get along with the enemy of God (Allah). We must realize that sin is an enemy of God (Allah), and that is what we must become free from to see Him face to face.

When you look at the death totals in the black and brown communities, it reminds me of the scripture in the Bible, “They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horse’s bridle for a distance of 1,600 stadia.” (Revelation 14:20) People are killing people over what? Things were prophesied to happen hundreds of years ago, and we walk right into it, despite being warned. Why? Why is it so hard to keep the peace? Why is it so hard to tell the truth? Why are some people afraid to show others love? Why are some people controlled by fear and that is the only way they will comply?

Why is it that someone can lie to someone or some group, and you swear it is the gospel? Remember, they did Jesus like that! What is the motive behind the lie? Who benefits from the lie? Who benefits from the chaos? Who is terrorizing our communities now? Who are the killers now? Who are the rapists now? Should walking down the street be a death sentence? Should sit- ting on your porch be a death sentence? Should going to school be a death sentence? Should living in a certain neighborhood be a death sentence or stop us from fel- lowshipping? Should wearing a different color be a death sentence or stop us from fellowshipping? Should being black be a death sentence or stop us from fellow-shipping? Should going to a different church be a death sentence or stop us from fellowshipping?

Who made the colors? So, does God (Allah) hate the colors that He made? We need to learn to keep the peace by embracing truth! The Bible says, “God is Love,” so how do we become more like God (Allah)? By lying? Killing? We can go on and on, but I think the point is clearly seen! We need to be Peacekeepers! Do something good every day to demonstrate peace, display your love, and apply the truth. Peace be unto you!

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