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Sunday, July 7, 2024

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The Truth Applied

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We really need to learn how to love each other better! We need to pray for each other more! We need to see the value in each person, even when they are trying to do everything possible to bury God’s reflection in them. Life is challenging, but with love and respect, we can come together. We can support each other. There is not one family that has not changed in some capacity from the COVID-19 lockdowns over the past year. The lockdowns have taught many the importance of family, love, freedom, and health. It was love that got us through this past year! It was love that is continuing to guide and protect us! Even though many have lost family members during this time, it is love that has allowed you to go on. We have worked through the pain. We have worked through the disappointment. We have worked through the isolation, we have worked through the fear, but now we must work through the hate to establish love. Do not be afraid to love and to show love. The very person you think does not want you around is the one in most need of your love. We have to put aside the fear of being hurt or disappointed by someone because until we do, we are in a mental prison, which is the void of God.

What does love look like? What does love feel like? If you could only have one person around you, who would that be? Why? Why them? What would you say to them? What do you want them to say to you? It is a beautiful thing to have someone you love, and that loves you. Not just with words, but with their actions. Love sacrifices! Love compromises! Love is consistent! You cannot turn love off or on. That is called something else.

When is the last time you sacrificed your time for someone or something else that you had planned? When is the last time you compromised? How consistent are you in showing care and concern to others? Is your life just about making a dollar? Do you do things only when it benefits you? Do you change when someone “important” comes around? Why? Why do you sacrifice when someone “important” comes around, but not for others around you daily? So, the people around you are not important? How do you think people feel or look at your actions when they see you respond one way to someone but then act like they do not exist until you need them?

Consistency is key to love! Love people during the good times! Love people during the bad times! Love is love, is love, and no matter what day or time, it is there for the per- son that has your attention. That is why I started by saying we need to learn how to love each other better; because until then, peace will be in limited supply.

This week, try to do something nice for a stranger (hmm, it could be an Angel, smile). Give some of your time to work your faith out of the love you have for God (Allah). Now, the time of working your faith could be on a personal level, but people around you should reap the benefits of your growth. Listen, we have tried everything else, now let’s try God’s (Allah’s) way, which is love. When we apply this truth, our condition will change!

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