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The Proof and Power of The Resurrection

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Resurrection must be Preached, if we are to hear the gospel of Christ. The Resurrection must be Believed, if we are to see God’s face in peace. Peter, the apostle, preached one of the first sermons of the Resurrection. It was there on the Day of Pentecost. He said to the people, “You know this Jesus of Nazareth. He is a mighty man with mighty miracles. A man with proof and power, wonders and signs–things that happened before your eyes. It was this man that God let you murder on that cross of Calvary. But God removed the sting of death and gave him life once more.” It just was not possible for him to be contained by death. The Tomb was too small. The King’s seal did not have enough authority. The soldiers who stood guard were ordinary men like you and I, and we ought to know by now that we are no match for God.

There is proof and power in the Resurrection. Let’s look at some proof. On the first day of the week, the day after the Jewish Sabbath, some of the women whose lives and souls the Lord had touched arrived at the tomb early that morning to render a last service of love to their Lord and Master. In the span of three and one-half years, they dined with Him, prepared food for his body, and one of them anointed His feet with precious oil. Now they arrived at the tomb only to find the stone rolled away. In the place of the King’s seal, they found a broken rock. In place of the Roman soldiers who stood guard, they found an angel from heaven because the soldiers had fallen like dead men.

ers had fallen like dead men.
Mary Magdalene carries the word to Peter and John that Jesus was not where they had laid Him. These two men made their way to this tomb. They found an empty grave. No sign of a struggle was there; there was no sign of their envy or foul play. The only true signs they saw were proof that our “Rock in a weary land” took His time and pulled off His grave clothes (He was not in a hurry). He took the napkin from about His head and very gently laid it in a place to itself. He took the linen clothes from about His body and also very gently laid them in another place.


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