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The Power of Words

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Ultimately, spiritual harmony is the objective of human utterance within the African world view. The attainment of harmony is the aim of all participants when the community is called together for a common cause. Nommo, through the spoken Word, is a powerful instrument that is evident in numerous ways. It addresses profound life circumstances. Furthermore, the spoken Word creates human relationships that bring about social transformations. The Word, in an African sense, is the sacred force of life and creates reality for African people. The preeminence of Nommo is a defining cultural characteristic of African people” Nommo from the Encyclopedia of African Religion page 485
Contrary to Western depictions of African people as backward savages, when we make the effort to learn our true history and culture we discover we are a deeply intellectual, spiritual, and practical people. Africans recognized the universe was spiritual in nature that an unseen energy/spirit/intelligence created and permeated all creation.
African cosmology (a description and explanation of reality) posited the universe was the result of mental action, a projection of ideas, and designs by a CREATIVE
ENERGY/FORCE/ Intelligence and that all humans had the ability to think and speak words of power just like THE CREATOR. Africans grasped that we have the power through our speech to fashion our reality, environment, society, and relationships.
There is a cultural unity throughout Africa, and this notion of words of power permeates the ethnic and cultural groupings continent-wide. African philosophy/theology/cosmology/metaphysics was not separate and isolated. They were an integrated part of their worldview, their ideas, and lives that subsequently spread around the world just like they did.
The notion of creative vocal power is also found in the religions of others, in Hebrew and Christian writings for example. In the Book of Genesis 1:3, the deity says, “Let there be light” and it was so. In the Book of Proverbs 18:21, we find; “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
In the New Testament Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) tells his followers “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23 Thoughts followed by words have power.
In the modern era, we have been indoctrinated into mindless materialism, dissuaded from knowing about and developing our innate powers of divine utterance, what our ancient African ancestors called the Mdw Ntr (Divine Speech).
The West sees the universe as mechanical, devoid of spiritual intelligence and their goal is to alter the world to fit their materialistic ideas. These usurpers are attempting to alter human consciousness and transform the very nature of nature. As I have stated on numerous occasions the globalist cabal wants to turn us into cyborgs, hooked up to their global computer system.
We are engaged in a spiritual war, and we have been disarmed via indoctrination and disinformation. We have been duped into giving up our humanity and our innate divinity. We are constantly shown models of selfishness, exploitation, deceitfulness, egomaniacal behavior, and evil. We emulate what we see. The best way to derail the global cabal’s agenda is to reclaim our power.
Our African ancestors knew we had power in our words. “By human utterance or through the spoken word, human beings can invoke a kind of spiritual power. Nommo, the generative power of the spoken word, is the force that gives life to everything. It is present everywhere, and it brings into existence all that is seen and unseen. Furthermore, the Dogon believe that humans have power over the word and thereby can direct the life force. All human creation and natural phenomena emanate from the productive power of the word, that is, Nommo, which is a life force. Nothing happens in human society without Nommo. It is like magic in one way, but that is not strange to the Dogon because, in the thinking of the Dogon, all magic is ultimately Word magic. This is true whether the Word is manifested in incantations, blessings, or curses. In fact, if the Word did not exist, all forces would be suspended, there would be no procreation, and, therefore, there would be no life. ” Nommo from the Encyclopedia of African Religion page 485
All Africans had words/names for this quintessential power, and this power was originally conceptualized within an ethical and moral (divine) context called Ma’at. This essence and order were not relegated to just humans but to animate and inanimate, the visible and invisible. We have power that flows from the creative/sustaining life force within us, just like our faculty of imagination. It is a gift, an integral component of our being we received directly from THE CREATOR!
If we are to win, we must reclaim our vocal magic, our divine speech, and our personal power. To do this we must alter our consciousness, elevate our personal vibration/frequency and return to a moral and ethical way of life, not mere lip service but through the ways we live, think, speak, act, relate to ourselves, others, and the world. This will be extremely difficult because it means breaking old habits, patterns, rejecting the anti-life materialistic values of Western culture, and working hard to transform ourselves; but, we have the power to make it so!

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