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The number of ballots cast on Election Day in Philadelphia was Embarrassing

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This column today is supposed to be about election day results from the Tuesday, April 23, 2024, Primary Election in Pennsylvania. However, it’s also going to be about some admonitions against people who should have done more to help get out the vote, in my humble opinion.

First, let’s talk about some of the key races. For President of the United States on the Democratic side, as expected Joe Biden came out on top with 143,246 votes in Philadelphia. As expected on the Republican side, Donald Trump walked away with 14,662 out of Philadelphia. Joe Biden won the city handily, and it is hoped (by the Democrats) that that is what Biden will do again in November during the General Election.

In the 3rd Congressional District in Pennsylvania, Democratic U.S. Congressman Dwight Evans defeated opponent Democrat Tracy Gordon, 93,084 votes to her 13,020 votes.

PA State Senator Vincent Hughes and PA State Senator Sharif had no challengers in the Democratic primary, and it is already believed they will both be shoe-ins in November’s contest.

Amen Brown, in the state’s 10th District for State Representative, had a candidate tight on his heels in a dead heat. At last count, it looks like Amen Brown will be heading back to the state capitol for another two years. He amassed 2,971 votes. However, his closest opponent, Cass Green had 2,921 votes. That count is so close it may need a recount.

PA State Rep. Regina Young in the 185th District and State Rep. Jordan Harris in the 186th District had no opponents, and they, too, are expected to win come November during the general election.

In the 188th District, PA State Rep. Rick Krajewski won over his opponent. Krajewski garnered 6,528 compared to his opponent, Tony King, who only got 1,279 votes.

PA State Rep. Roni Green, in the 190th Legislative District, got 4,747 votes. Her opponent, James Love Jackson, got 2,310 votes.

Speaker of the House, PA State Rep. Joanna McClinton ran unopposed in the primary and got 4001 votes.

Another unopposed PA State Rep. from the 192nd legislative District, Morgan Cephas, garnered 8,021 votes, very impressive in her District, and people came out to vote.

Donna Bullock, State Rep. from the 195th District, was unopposed. Nonetheless, her numbers were pretty strong in her area of the city. She won 7,845 votes.

PA State Rep Darisha Parker was unopposed in the 198th District, and it is believed she’ll have no problem returning to Harrisburg after the November general election. 6,568 votes.

Chris Rabb in the 200th Legislative District had a good turnout for himself, winning 15,023 votes.

In the 201st Legislative District, PA State Rep. Steve Kinsey announced his plan to retire in January 2024. So, he’s out of the mix now. In his place, Andre D. Carroll decided to run on the Democratic ticket, and he garnered 7,999 votes, which wasn’t bad for a first-time run.

PA State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, I think, surprised some people with his win on the Democratic side in the Primary for Auditor General. That means in the Fall, he’ll face off against a Republican challenger for that statewide seat.


Thank you for reading an excerpt of Thera Martin’s article on scoopusamedia.com. To read more of the article, “The number of ballots cast on Election Day in Philadelphia was Embarrassing,” please subscribe to Scoop USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75.00 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital and Vizion) are $90. (52 weeks/1 year)

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