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The Honorable Cynthia Williams Fordham, A Woman First

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over the years that I’ve had the opportunity to write for the SCOOP Newspaper, I always look forward to the month of March, when we take some extra time to shine the spotlight on some special African American women who have been the “first” in certain areas of work or career. In past years, I’ve written about women such as Karen Warrington, who became the first woman News Director at WDAS Radio many years ago. I wrote about the late PA State Senator Roxanne H. Jones, who became the first African-American woman State Senator in Pennsylvania. I’ve written about Arch-bishop Mary Floyd Palmer, who became the first African American woman Archbishop on the East Coast. And, of course, just a year ago, I had the opportunity to write about Philadelphia voters having elected its first woman Mayor, the Honorable Cherelle L. Parker.

I could go on and on about the fabulous women I’ve written about during Women’s History Month and at other times of the year in this newspaper. Today, however, I am shining the spotlight on a woman who many know, others may not have known, but a woman whose story deserves to be told.

Her name is Cynthia Williams Fordham, and she became the first African American woman Utilities Judge for the State of Pennsylvania. You may be wondering, what is a Utilities Judge? I’ll get to that in a few minutes, but first, let me share what Philadelphia City Councilwoman At Large Catherine Gilmore Richardson had to say about Judge Cynthia Williams Fordham.

Katherine Gilmore Richardson stated, “When I tell you I just loved Judge Fordham so much, I met her through former Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, and obviously, we stayed connected because of the business that she and her husband, Reverend Fordham, had. They would always come to my sorority convention. Initially, they would come and participate as vendors at the convention, selling books. We started traveling together, at some point, to certain conventions.

I will always remember Judge Fordham as being so sweet and so kind. She always had a loving word to share. And she always gave the best advice. Both she and her husband together were so wonderful. I had a special relationship with her because she was always supportive of me as a younger person in government and politics. She was always there. We had such a fabulous time at my last sorority convention in 2022. It was in Philadelphia, and she and Reverend Fordham were there and we enjoyed our time spent. I would see them in the exhibition area at the convention hall doing their thing, selling their products.”

Gilmore Richardson added, “I will tell you that before meeting our Honorable Judge, I didn’t know much about the position she served in for almost thirty years as a Public Utility Judge in Pennsylvania. I will tell you, Judge Cynthia was so smart; she was the best person for the position. She was always prepared and could explain her role so well. Once she retired, she obviously had more time to give to the community, and that she did. I can’t underscore enough just how much of a difference she made for so many people (quietly) for years. People just don’t know the enormity and the magnitude of her impact. I am just so blessed that I had the opportunity to be the recipient of her intelligence, of her kindness, her love, and of her quiet strength.”

Reverend Jerome Fordham, President of the National Action Network, Philadelphia Chapter, says that his wife was the love of his life, and in her passing, he doesn’t want people to forget the impact she made while she lived. Reverend Fordham says that he and his family are extremely proud of her many successes, but becoming the first African American woman Utility Judge in Pennsylvania was a big deal. She became the first Black female Public Utility Judge for the State of Pennsylvania. A Public Utility Judge in Pennsylvania hears and writes decisions on all types of public utility cases, including consumer billing and service complaints, applications to provide utility service, utility requests to increase rates, mergers and acquisitions, and investigating rail and highway crossings. The job requires candidates to be qualified by the Pennsylvania Civil Service Commission. The judge conducts formal on the record administrative hearings and prepares initial and recommended decisions for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, based on evidence developed by the parties.”

Fordham added, “Anything having to do with utilities, those were the kind of cases my wife handled at the state level. She served as a judge for twenty-seven years. We met and married in 1982, and a year later, she became a Public Utility Judge. She was a proud graduate of Girls High School and went on to earn her undergraduate degree at Penn State University. She earned her law degree at The University of Pennsylvania. I give credit to City Council President Kenyatta Johnson, PA State Representative Jordan Harris, and City Councilwoman Katherine Gilmore Richardson for being so supportive of her over the years. For twenty-five years, on the volunteer side of her life, one of the things she did with so much passion and love was to serve as Chairwoman of the Greater Philadelphia Health Action organization. That was her joy.”

“The twist to the story is this,” said Reverend Fordham. “Whenever it comes time for us (African Americans) to have an opportunity, we have to go through more hoops and more challenges before we can walk through the door than Caucasians have to do. The rules changed when my wife applied to become a Public Utility Judge in Pennsylvania. Prior to her, there was no actual test one had to take to be considered. But when Cynthia Williams Fordham came along, suddenly, new requirements were put in place. Even with the stumbling blocks that were put in her way as she was striving to become Pennsylvania’s first Black female Public Utility Judge, she didn’t cave in. She didn’t give in. She didn’t run away and give up. She stood firm. And then, after earning the position of Public Utility Judge for Pennsylvania, she performed her duties with fairness, dignity, and respect for almost three decades, and for that, I am extremely proud of her.”

While there, the Honorable Cynthia Williams Fordham made a difference, and she also reached back out and brought along two more African American women Public Utility Judges for Pennsylvania.

We at the SCOOP Newspaper celebrate the memory of Judge Cynthia Williams Fordham and all other Black women who make a difference every day to further lift up our communities.


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