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Saturday, July 6, 2024

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Stop pretending you don’t know what’s happening

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are living in times of universal deceit, relentlessly controlled propaganda, mind control, and menticide (the deliberate attempt to destroy people’s minds)! Key elements in mind control and psychological warfare are that the selected subjects are not aware they are being targeted with schemes to control and manipulate them. They think their thoughts and ideation are their own, and their perceptions are self-generated. They accept the fake reality presented to them. This makes it difficult for the targeted audience to think on their own–which is the objective of mind control!
Most astute folks realize something is amiss, something is not right, but they pretend not to know what is going on because to accept this as fact means they’d have to do something about it, and most people don’t want any trouble. People have seen how the government and corporations intimidate and use brute force to get their way, and they want no part of that. But there comes a time when acquiescing to evil is cowardice and not effective! There comes a point of no return when evil metastasizes throughout society, and the consequences become catastrophic. We are fast approaching this point in time.

Thank you for reading an excerpt of Junious Stanton’s commentary on scoopusamedia.com. To read more of “Stop Pretending Your Don’t Know What’s Happening,” please subscribe to Scoop USA Media. Print subscriptions are $75.00 and online subscriptions (Print, Digital and Vizion) are $90. (52 weeks/1 year)

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