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Show & Tell!

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During our early childhood years, Show & Tell was an elementary school practice of showing something of significance and interest to your teacher and classmates and describing it in detail. 

Show & Tell required strategic planning, public speaking, creativity, audience engagement, visual aids to help tell the story, and confidence. 

Looking back, Show & Tell was a great learning experience that helped prepare us for work-life success. Here’s one way to apply the Show & Tell concept in the workplace: 

??Show Servant Leadership. Serve with integrity, do your job exceptionally well, and be supportive of others. “Here are the facts: When customer service gets done right, it can tremendously boost a company’s bottom line. So there can be a strong positive relationship between customer service and business success, no matter how a company defines success.” – Forbes 

??Show Content Knowledge. Read and study trends and information about your industry and industry competitors. Contribute and apply your content knowledge during staff meetings, working on projects, serving clients, innovating new efficiencies/products/services, etc. And mentor someone by intentionally grooming them for success by sharing your industry knowledge and resources with them. “Industry knowledge results in improved revenues for a business, enhanced chances of getting hired for a job seeker, increased chances of promotion for an employee, and sound industry policies for a regulator.” – Corporate Finance Institute 


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