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Serve Others and Serve God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lord, Bless Us To Know That We Serve You When We Serve One 

Another. Amen. 

The story is told of an old woman who was told by God that He was coming to visit. She cleaned, baked, and prepared the best feast for Him. 

She got a knock at the door and eagerly opened the door only to find a beggar asking for just a crumb to eat. She cursed him and told him the food she prepared was for God, not a beggar, and shooed him away. 

She waited patiently for half the day for God’s arrival, and then there was another knock at the door. Finally, she thought, God is here and can partake of this wonderful food and see how immaculate my house is for Him. At the door appeared a traveler, tired and weary from days on the road. Can I please come to rest? How dare you ask to be in the home the Lord will visit, she says. You are not worthy, and she shooed him away. 

Impatiently now, she waited and was somewhat angered that God Himself had her wait for most of the day. 

She got another knock at the door. Finally, she thought, He has arrived! With excitement, she threw open the door only to find a tattered, sobbing old woman who asked if she had the time to listen and help with some worries she had. Furiously she cursed her and told her I don’t have time to hear your pitiful story; the Lord will be here shortly, and I dare not have someone like you in His presence. Then she slammed the door in the woman’s face. 


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