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Saving HBCUs

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Trump era inadvertently helped HBCUs attract increasing numbers of Black students due to the polarizing and fractious environment his personality generated. Trump whether knowingly or not, stoked the fires of divisiveness and polarization during his presidential campaign and his term in office. Emotions and frustrations percolating in the psyches of people under the surface bubbled over because Trump encouraged lashing out and confrontation. 

A recent report stated enrollments at Historically Black Colleges and Universities is increasing due to a spike in hate crimes, “Enrollment of African American first-time college students climbed at historically Black colleges and universities in states where hate crime reports increased, a new study has found. The authors, SMU’s Dominique Baker and UC Berkeley’s Tolani Britton, drew on federal enrollment data, campus crime statistics, and hate crime information from 1999 to 2017. In the study, they looked at hate crimes specifically targeting African-Americans as well as other racial, religious and gender groups…A hate crime is defined as an occurrence in which perpetrators act based on a bias against the victim’s race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. The researchers used a variety of sources for federal data such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS), FBI hate crime data, and campus crime statistics tracked by the federal Clery Act of 1990. IPEDS tracks enrollment for all universities that receive Title IV funds (such as Pell Grants) from the government, including historically Black colleges and universities. The researchers primarily examined those states that had at least one historically Black college or university (HBCU). The study excluded for-profit institutions due to a large number of online learners at these institutions.” Study shows enrollment of Black students at HBCUs rose in states with increased hate crime reports. Southern Methodist University https://phys.org/news/2021-02-enrollment-black-students-hbcus-rose.html 

Higher student enrollment is a good thing but HBCUs must take fuller advantage of this opportunity to attract even more students, those students who might have opted to enroll in a predominantly white institution on academic scholarship were it not for the charged racial climate in this country. It’s not enough to offer a safe haven from racial stigmatization and marginalization, HBCU must also provide quality education, a stimulating academic environment, student support and a rigorous curriculum that reflects the changing realities of the twenty-first century global marketplace. Just being Black is not enough, HBCUs have to go the extra mile, push themselves and their students to be better, become more responsible and devoted to their learning and graduation. 

HBCUs have a long history of going the extra mile to support their students and nurture them. In this highly technological society HBCUs have to keep abreast and be innovative as they prepare the next generation for a rapidly changing world. HBCU graduates will have to expand their focus if they want to navigate their way in today’s society and stride upon the world stage as competent confident leaders. 

What can we do to help? We can be supportive by giving money to the United Negro College Fund, the Thurgood Marshall Fund, your Alma Mater, the HBCU your church supports or an HBCU located near you. You can offer lucrative book awards and scholarships through your high school, Masonic, social and fraternal organizations. Every bit helps; but we also must begin to think bigger and give more. Every dollar is beneficial but if tuition is $40,000 your donation should be commensurate with today’s college and university costs! 

We have an obligation to support HBCUs but we must also demand excellence for not just our child but for all our people. Do not accept mediocrity or an inferior product, demand the best instructors, innovative courses and dynamic leadership otherwise we will waste this excellent opportunity to save, grow and enhance HBCUs.

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