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Rewards of Urban Networking

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation,” Robert H Schuller 

If there is one leadership quality that all leaders must possess, it is the ability to build collaborative relationships. It does not matter whether you are working in the corporate environment or in the local community, relationship building skills are essential. 

For years people have been misled into believing that you got to make it on your own. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” they say. BS!, No one does it on their own. The most successful individuals have always had skilled mentors and coaches who advised them along the way. Ask any Fortune 500 power broker–they will tell you, “Your Network is your net worth.” 

“Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals who can go it alone.” Margaret Wheatley 

The more powerful the network, the more powerful the individual. Building a powerful network is like cultivating a garden. You must water it daily and ensure you have the soil and sunlight. Your network (although it takes meticulous attention) can be quite rewarding and has generous ROI. 

After years of working in both the private and public sectors, I developed a tool that combined both my personal marketing and community engagement strategies. This tool is called Urban Networking. 

Urban Networking is the ability to aggressively establish mutually beneficial relationships focusing on the exchange of ideas, products, services, and resources–both physical and fiscal. By combining public relations, promotion, and personal marketing with community engagement strategies, you are to able overcome business and social barriers and increase your access to your goals. 

URBAN NETWORKING is powerful and rewarding. It increases your area of influence by connecting you with the power players in whatever arenas you are playing. You will have multi-sources of information and resources. Using Urban Networking, you can promote yourself, your organization, and your community. You can get media attention for your product or service. Urban Networking is essential to increasing membership in your organization and awareness of your cause. 

“The right relationships in the right ecosystems, created and nurtured in the right way, will accelerate your success.” Judy Robinett – “How to be a Power Player” 

Let’s start by discarding some misconceptions about networking. Is it: 

Who you know? 

What you know? or 

Who knows you? 

Many people say it is who you know. While “who you know” is important, it is only as good as the quality of the relationship. Just glance at your cellphone contact log. How many of the people in your contact list are willing to hire you, give you a recommendation, lend you money, or even say something nice about you when you are not around? The quality of your relationships is the difference. 

I have been in many meetings where a person would say to me, “I know the Mayor.” My subconscious response was usually, “Yeah, but does he know you.” If you stand in front of him and he can’t say your name, then he definitely will not bring up your name for a position, contract, or recommendation. You do not know someone just because you have met them or even carried on a conversation with them. You know someone when you have made a positive memorable impression on them and also have established in their minds that you possess the qualities of competency and integrity. 


You can get a job without being competent. I know many people who somehow managed through contacts to get their foot in the door only to get booted out the door after the employer found out they did not know anything. Sure, you can get a job because Uncle Harry knows the boss. However, you will soon be discovered if you are incompetent and eventually fired. In addition, Uncle Harry’s credibility will be reduced. Relying on someone else’s integrity or word without having the corresponding skillset is like doubling down on a losing proposition. 


Who knows you- means they know your character, your reputation, and they know you will represent their good judgment in recommending you. This also means they know your name, and you have made enough of an impact that they bring you up in conversation. They will recommend you for a job, a promotion, an award, a contract, funding or nomination, etc. However, the important part of this is “how they know you.” 

If they know you to be late, lazy, stupid, lack social poise, a poor dresser, and have bad hygiene, you probably will not be recommended for anything. 

However, if they know you to be competent, intelligent, punctual, impressive, prepared, and exuding honor and integrity, you will be at the top of their list when opportunities are available. 

Your confidence increases with every opportunity you take. Seize opportunities when they come your way. 

Here are some tips on becoming an exceptional Urban Networker and keys for utilizing opportunities to your advantage: 

1. Pay attention. You should develop a readiness to seize the opportunity by exercising alertness to all minor affairs of life. The person who is dedicated to networking success is concerned with every detail in life. 

Networking opportunities are everywhere. Read the paper, and check the library and bulletin boards in the community. Networking opportunities can come at Starbucks or the mall. Be alert for opportunities when they come your way. 

2. Accept the Opportunity. You must with confidence real or forced, accept every opportunity that comes your way; believe unflinchingly that you will succeed and shut the door of your mind to all fear and worry. 

(When the occasion presents itself-step up. Seize your opportunities when they come. Don’t think about it. Thinking will only allow you to cultivate negative thoughts of fear and rejection. As Nike says, “Just do it.”) Play the three-second game – Count 1-2-3 and go. Then move and introduce yourself to your prospect. 

3. Seek Opportunity. Whenever you get the chance, seek out opportunities that are not apparent and create chances that do not already exist. This means on the train, in the street, in the park, or anywhere people frequent. Although I would not introduce myself to someone in the Men’s room, I definitely, would wait for them at the end of the buffet table (after they sat down). Or by the bar (after they ordered their drink and taken the first sip.) 

By seizing opportunities while walking down the street, at the bank, in the mall, or at a department store, you will create an opportunity where before you did not see it. 

4. Deny Failure. If you allow failure thoughts to manifest in your mind, they may take root 

5. If in any instance, when you feel you have not done as well as you planned. Keep it to yourself. Do not display a lack of confidence to others. 

(Here’s the concept. When you deny the lack of confidence, you partially crush its impact. However, if you reveal it to others, you have to contend with not only your own mistrust but the seed that you have planted in others.) 

Whenever an opportunity is accepted, opposite effects follow. Your confidence grows with every risk you take. Every time you take a chance, you strengthen your internal power. 

Urban Networking is about putting together your total package. It is about making a great impression, building a successful network, following up on contacts, and seizing opportunities. 

Bonus for my readers: Wow you are ready to begin the journey. Let’s get this connection going. Join our FACEBOOK Community @Professional Networking Associates page. Hear about the latest trends, books, and events. 

Go to www.michaelricespeaks.com and sign up. I will give you a free subscription to “The ConnectorLive,” a weekly Business and social digest stocked with videos, tips, and advice for the upcoming Urban Networker. 

Also currently available is my current book, Be Magnificent! Exceed your Expectations, which provides insights to creating a high-impact first impression, increasing your personal power and the secrets of effective professionals. 

Michael Rice is an acclaimed, award-winning social innovator, Community Engagement Specialist, PR specialist, Leadership Coach, Trainer, and Master Networker. He has been recognized by Philadelphia City Council and the PA State Legislature for his work within the community and with youth. Rice has coached private and public sector professionals and trained business, non-profit, and community leaders and activists. He is available for speaking engagements (both large and intimate), including schools, churches, conferences, and workshops. Contact 267-303-0653 or email: theconnector@verizon.net 

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