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Philly, is there anything we can do?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How’s My SCOOP USA Family Doing Today? How Y’all Feeling? What’s The Word! How’s Your Family? Did everyone get by this week? Is Philly going through some kind of “Metamorphosis?” Wow! These are some very difficult times for all of us particularly for those who had suffered the real tragedy of losing a Loved One or praying at the hospital that their Loved One be okay. Yes, there is something going on, and everyone should be concerned about it and doing something about it! I know one thing for sure, this is not the time to “Play, The Blame Game!” Are you listening? This moment in time is not the fault of anyone thing. We know there are many dynamics, many situations, and of course, a building over time whereby reality is losing its ground of rational thinking. Many folks have moved from the basic concept of civility to, I don’t care no matter what! Well, you know we can settle on the premise that many things have already been written about the violence, the killings, and the craziness we’re going and continue to go through. So I may be preaching to the choir one more time, but as critical as things are, we must keep preaching and get louder each time. This Ladies and Gentlemen, my Brothers and Sisters is where the preaching must go, to the perpetrators of these mean-spirited, careless, cruel, hideous, merciless sick individuals who value life as nothing! There is a heartless soul floating amongst our midst, and they boldly/recklessly explode with their hatred at any time and any moment. Who are they? Where do they lay their heads down? Who do they talk to? Who do they share what’s going on with them? Regrettably, we must paint a picture of this nature in these times, even when natural disasters are at an all-time high and we are faced with dilemmas such as COVID-19 and other health issues! Now, where’s my Brother’s keepers is where’s my Brother’s killers. We see the picture, we get the story but now where do we go from here! Yes, “Where do we go?” Essentially, this is the million-dollar question everyone is asking! Millions upon millions of dollars have been put up to deal with this “Out of Control Situation!” and this is not the first time, millions upon millions have been spent. We had the 1994 Crime Bill short for The Violent Crime Control Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (H.R.3355), and we saw the damage caused by it! I keep saying over and over again, “You can’t legislate behavior!” You can’t control it by law, and dollars and cents seem to be failing. Brotherhood and Sisterhood seem to be far-fetched. 

Is it too late for LOVE! You know, I just wrote about one of the good things the Black Male Community Council of Philadelphia (BMCCP) has done and continues to do. Man-Up Philly is making its mark as being a resource of help and service. There are many other groups, organizations, and agencies that are doing great things to make a difference. There are many blocks, neighborhoods, and communities that are stepping up to the plate to challenge and fight back the social ills that are overwhelming our lives and the lives of our families. Yes, we do see a different kind of animal we’re battling, and nonetheless, we are going to keep fighting and striking back! So now the question is, “Where are “You” and What are “You” going to do? 

Now, I want to stop preaching to the Choir and speak to “You!” Are you a part of anything doing something? Do you have a plan, an idea we can work on? Are you ready to stand up and be counted? Are you one in that number? Many children, Our Young Folks are looking for that nutritional support given by someone they can see, touch, break bread with. They are searching for answers and need some dependable places to seek them. Everyone needs somebody and/or something they can gain and learn from. Right now, they are going through some very trying, difficult, and challenging times/situations, and they need help to get through! 

Mr. Billy Thompson through the Strawberry Mansion Faith Base Coalition holds Family Community Movie Nights once a month in the 3100 block of Cumberland Street, where folks come together as one big family and enjoy the outdoors of their neighborhood. It’s a crowd-pleaser, a stress reliever, good times for one and all. The young and old share space where they eat, drink and be merry watching a Family movie. Activities like this give communities the opportunity to have a generational connection that goes a long way in bringing hope, tranquility, and understanding for our youth, older and elder populations. It can be a sanctuary where stories are told, leadership is developed, and a place where folks can come and have peace of mind. We can build on togetherness! 

I attended the dedication of the renaming of 18th and Wharton Street to Dr. Walter P. Lomax Jr., M.D. Way. It was a part of WURD’s Founders Celebration. The significance of this is twofold: One, it recognizes the accomplishments of one of Our Own (an image that many of Our Young Folks don’t see and is intentionally kept from them). Secondly, it was truly a Family Affair which many times our Young Folks are deprived of and are starving for. Our brilliance must be championed and brought to “Life” whenever possible! And without doubt, we cannot hesitate to proudly and boldly claim it because our History and Our Greatness have truly been hidden from us to our own demise!!! The Family is a huge source of Energy and Fuel necessary to propel us to our next step, our future horizon! When we see it at its fineness, we must be prepared to emulate and use it as wisely as possible. The “Beat Goes On,” maximize it! We will prevail! Thank you for your responsible and caring work, no matter how large or small! All of it is needed! Go for It! Here’s to Saving and Giving Space for Assistance, Brother Tyrone L. Reed 

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