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Philadelphia Youth Leadership Council members speak out on community challenges

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Philadelphia Youth Leadership Council (PYLC) members Jordyn Darden and Avont Gambell recently sat down with Sherri Pennington, a radio host at WKDU-FM 91.7, for an enlightening conversation on their career aspirations and their thoughts on the causes and solutions to violence in the city of Philadelphia. These remarkable young individuals showcased their passion for leadership and their commitment to making a positive impact in their community.
Philadelphia Youth Leadership Council
The PYLC is a prestigious ten-month leadership development program designed to empower boys and girls in 7th to 12th grade to take on leadership roles at school, at home, and in their community. The program focuses on cultivating essential skills such as leadership, presentation, relationship building, and project management. By instilling professionalism and confidence, the PYLC aims to strengthen the resilience and endurance of these young leaders in the face of the daily trauma they may encounter.
Jordyn and Avont, as participants in the PYLC program, have had the opportunity to attend weekly workshop sessions and engage in educational, recreational, and civic outings. These activities provide them with valuable experiences and broaden their horizons. Moreover, they actively participate in community service projects and engage in parent/teen involvement activities throughout the year, emphasizing the importance of giving back to the community and fostering positive relationships between generations.
One of the key components of the PYLC program is teaching the role of government and civic engagement. This is achieved through various activities, including attending town meetings, youth panels, and City Council sessions. By engaging with local government, these young leaders gain a deeper understanding of the democratic process and how they can actively contribute to the betterment of their community.

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