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Philadelphia Kicks Off Teen Week, Encouraging Teens to Get Vaccinated

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PHILADELPHIA–The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has partnered with the Black Doctor’s COVID-19 Consortium and PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to encourage all teenagers who are eligible to get vaccinated. Four upcoming vaccine clinics will have exciting and teen-friendly activities and themes to encourage teens to come get vaccinated. Younger folks are the least vaccinated group in Philadelphia, so encouraging them to be vaccinated, and to bring their parents, is the best way to beat this pandemic.

The following clinics have been deemed Teen Week events:

“It is imperative that everyone in Philadelphia get vaccinated against COVID-19,” said Dr. Julianne Burns, Medical Specialist with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. “We are excited to have partnered with dedicated teens like the Philly Teen VAXX Ambassadors to show how important it is for younger folks to be vaccinated. These events are great opportunities to not only protect families, but to start conversations with friends and loved ones about the importance of the COVID vaccine, and how critical it is to get our city back to normal.”

Each clinic will feature a different theme to appeal to different tastes. From Sports Day featuring the Philadelphia Flyers’ Gritty mascot, to Prom Day where everyone will be encouraged to come dressed to impress. Clinics will have music spinning, opportunities for vaccine selfies, school bands, and more!

Dr. Ala Stanford of the Black Doctor’s COVID-19 Consortium said, “Children are healthy, but they are not protected from COVID-19. 1.5 million children have contracted coronavirus disease during the pandemic and the majority of the children who died from COVID-19 were children of color. Additionally Black and Brown children have been the most impacted by COVID-19 disease and death of their parents and family. This is OUR way to protect them. The Philly Teen Ambassadors are trusted messengers and I am excited to work with them. We are grateful to Ms. Dianna Coleman for her commitment to this effort. Saturday, May 15th is the only teen clinic that is NO APPOINTMENT and on a weekend!! Families please take advantage of that, we will be there with FREE t-shirts for the kids, water ice and pretzels after your vaccination and the SENIORS have an entire performance for you 10-noon, before you get your vaxx!! One final thing if you can not come Saturday, you can come ANY DAY to the Black Doctors COVID19 Consortium site and with Pfizer we will vaccinate 12 and up.”

“Philadelphia has been faced with incredible hardship over the past year due to the pandemic, and many of the city’s teens have not been privileged to step foot into a classroom all year,” said Sophia Collins, MSN RN, clinical nurse project manager of PolicyLab’s Project: ACE-IT. “The Philly Teen Vaxx Ambassadors have been empowered as change agents within their communities–they have influence amongst their peers and collectively they hold the power to help make a lasting difference here in Philadelphia. The ambassadors have been driving the planning of the teen vaxx events and we are counting down with great anticipation to the kickoff! 

“Vaccination is the last piece of the puzzle to move us forward and our teens get that,” said Barbara Klock, MD, Medical Officer of the School District of Philadelphia. “They have embraced this opportunity to be health ambassadors amongst their peers with such passion and tenacity that they inspire me daily.  I am confident the work of the Philly Teen VAXX Ambassadors will impact all of our city’s youth in the upcoming year and beyond.”

“Getting kids involved in vaccination outreach is important so that we can be able to reach all ages and cultures. In order to do that, we need to come together as one community and strive for something greater. I am proud to be a part of the Philly Teen Vaxx Ambassadors, said Devon Hester, 13, Wissahickon Charter School (Awbury Campus)

Each of the clinics will be open to everyone currently eligible to be vaccinated in Philadelphia, but the City is encouraging teens to take advantage of this exciting opportunity. Under current CDC guidance, only teens aged 16 and older are allowed to be vaccinated. If that guidance changes these clinics, and all Philadelphia clinics, will be able to vaccinate teens from 12 to 15 using the Pfizer vaccine. All Philadelphia clinics can accommodate walks-ups, but people can still register for a time slot by visiting https://www.phila.gov/vaccine. All Black Doctor’s COVID-19 Consortium clinics are walk-up only, and the schedule can be found on their website: https://www.blackdoctorsconsortium.com

Press will be allowed to visit outdoor activities at all Teen Week clinics, but will not be given indoor access due to anticipated demand and the likelihood of children being vaccinated.

For the latest on the COVID-19 pandemic, and the City’s response, visit https://www.phila.gov/covid

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