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Only Woman Led Food Bank in the South-East Combats Raging War on Affordable Housing and Food Insecurity

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Last year the national organization Hosea Helps celebrated its 50th year of service. For almost half of its existence, Elizabeth Omilami has devoted her life and love to fulfilling the late Hosea Williams’ mission. Superseding her father’s dreams for the past 22 years, Mrs. Omilami has expanded the organization that once only fed the hungry, to now supplying services, clothes, and housing.This prominent woman has made it her mission to advocate and aid for those suffering from low income and food insecurities nationally. As a part of her mission, Mrs. Omilami has initiated and invited other national leaders to join in on a discussion surrounding affordable housing and its relation to the increased crime in our inner cities. Elizabeth is very eager to share her experience, leadership and conducive ideas with your audience. For all booking and media inquiries please contact: Carcelia@epimediagroup.com

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