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Oneness of the Blacks and The Power of Images (pt 1)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In 2017, I was blessed to write my fourth book ‘Oneness of the Blacks’ I dedicated the book to the Honorable Redman Battle, who served as the 8th President-General of the UNIA-ACL, founded by the Honorable Marcus Garvey in 1914.

ONENESS OF THE BLACKS enlightens readers with a comprehensive history of Pan-African Nationalism, African-centered education, the African reparations movement, African Biological Psychiatry, understanding and interpreting the mind, self-defense strategies, the power of melanin and memory, and the effects of conscious music.

Within the chapters, light is shined on numerous Africans, such as General Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Winnie Mandela, Assata Shakur, Imam Jamil Al-Amin, Edward Blyden, and sister Callie House.

The inside pages of my book will help to develop and reinforce thought patterns and behavior to effectively repair our problems of cowardice, poverty, miseducation, economic slavery, mass incarceration, Black-on-Black violence, cultural genocide, and neo-colonialism.

Oneness of the Blacks is a gift from the Ancestors who have chosen me to be another carrier of the culture and a vessel to which thoughts and words are used to ignite, educate, inspire, motivate, and awaken the Black Power that remains dormant within our collective being.

When envisioning a cover for this particular literary weaponry, I thought of an image that would resonate as soon as a person looked at it. We as Black people, have always maintained the incredible ability to learn and feel through the glancing and perception of images. Knowing that we internally obtained this innate ability, it was very important to create an image that would transcend and establish attention even for only five seconds if glanced upon. When contemplating an illustration, I wanted to make sure that it was at least 5000 years of travel in the past with a solution to the future–while infusing the mind with an introduction to the actual foundation of the contents of the book.

The image of the Sphinx (Heremakhet) is one of our most powerful Black statues. It was created and given to us by our ancestors to remind us of our glorious past and to help keep us aligned with righteous behavior and the ability to control our lower self.

Master teacher Anthony Browder informs us that “Heremakhet aesthetically integrates the essence of a man and animal in such a way that it expresses the divine relationship between the two. Symbolically, the body of the beast represents the animal nature that exists in man, and the lion exemplifies the royal power of the divine spirit that exists within the lower physical form. The head of the Black man symbolizes the intelligence of the mind, which must be cultivated in order to elevate the consciousness into a higher spiritual state so that it may become divine.

Metaphysically speaking, it is the suppression of the lower animal nature and the refinement of the thought process that leads to the spiritual evolution of man. Spiritually speaking, it is only the conquering of the beast within that one is capable of truly knowing GOD.

Master teacher Dr. Naim Akbar teaches us that “during the zenith of Kemetic society, one could not enter into the instruction of the Temples until the fundamental principle of development was understood. The foundation of consciousness, growth, and psychological development are rooted in the principle. The mastery of the passions was required as the first step toward taming the inner beast. When passions are allowed to rule, there is no possibility for the higher powers to take control. The passionate lower nature, therefore, must be rendered dormant in order to permit the higher powers to reign.”

The restoration of damaged African images is also extremely essential to our redemption and the healing process of the deliberate destruction of the proof of Black superiority. On the cover of ONENESS OF THE BLACKS, it was mandatory to restore the facial image of the Sphinx. Today, it always hurts me to see the broad nose and full lips of the Sphinx (Heremaket) missing. Like thousands of our beautiful African stone images around the world, Heremakhet’s face was deliberately damaged by the army of Napolean Bonaparte in 1798. The physical destruction of Heremakhet’s face was an attempt to erase the African presence in that particular region of the world and support the false allegation that the monument is actually that of a white man. The glorious history of Black people continues to be erased. Black children in the state of Florida who attend public schools will be indoctrinated with falsehoods about the past of their ancestors.

From 1789 to 2024, we as an African people have not developed enough Umoja and political power to physically restore our great Black monument. Heremakhet’s strong wide nose, mouth, and urea (beard) must be restored for the future generations of our beautiful children.

Baba Khabyr Hadas is a teacher, historian, and author of numerous books on the African experience. He is a member of UNIA-ACL, founded by Marcus Garvey in 1914. khabyrhadas@gmail.com


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