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On Earth, as it is in Heaven

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lord, Help Us By Your Grace To Feed One Another Like You Feed Us. Amen.

For some of us, this summer is a time for work, fun, and vacations, but for many of our brothers and sisters, there is no work, no fun, and no vacations. Many of them have just come through the winter by the Grace of God. They have no housing, no work, very little clothing and food, and hardly any help from others–but God, by His might, power, ability, and love, pulled them through.

If one would ask the question, “How did they get into that situation?” I would answer by saying, “Well, some are like that because they want to. But most of them are in this situation because our economic environment is extremely ill. It is off-balanced because our Federal and State Governments have continued to keep people off of welfare but have no jobs to give them. Believe it or not, most people would rather have a job than welfare, but welfare is better than nothing. No job or income, such as D.P.A., S.S.I., or Unemployment, will cause anybody to rob and go to jail or suffer and die.

It is our duty as Ministers, elected officials, community leaders, and God-fearing people to do something about this situation. If the government as a whole won’t do it, then we as people, both individually and collectively, Black, White, Hispanic, Christian, Muslim Jew, Republican, Democrat, and Independent, must walk and work together to change this law and the lives of our poor brothers and sisters. We must not, and we cannot turn our backs. Who knows, one day, we could be in the same situation. We must try to feed and help all the poor, but we cannot do it unless all of us get involved and work together. Not all are doing the same thing, but all are working together. It can be done, and it must be done because God has commanded us to take care of the least of these. “Some of us are doing it and doing it well, but it is still not enough.”

We are the people and the channels by which God feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, and shelters the homeless. We must pick up our cross, follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and realize that we must be a servant to our fellow man and woman, especially those who cannot help themselves. Jesus said to Peter, “If you love me, then feed my sheep,” and He is telling you and me today, if you love me, then help those who stand in need.”

As one songwriter penned it: “If I can help somebody as I pass along. Then my living shall not be in vain!” Never get to the point in your life where you live without doing something to help someone else. We all need help. Regardless of how high you are in status, we all need help. So never get too big to help someone and forget where you came from. My grandmother always told me little sayings, and one of her favorites was, “A bird can fly as high as he wants, but he still has to come back down to the ground to eat.”


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