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Notes on the Human Genome Project (pt. 1) 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes

History has revealed that Europeans have taken great time, money, sacrifice, and determination toward developing destructive tools specifically for the mass extermination of Africans and people of color while using that same level of effort to develop technology for the mass preservation of themselves. The canon was a breakthrough technological advancement towards the execution and colonization of Black people in the 12th and 13th centuries.

One of the most devastating and subtle weapons used to kill Africans and people of color around the globe is ‘Biological Warfare.’ Within the last century, biological warfare has developed into countless forms.

Through our ignorance, media, and medical propaganda, many diseases and infections we have been subject to are believed to be hereditary. The American government, medical associations, and the military have an ugly history of practicing genocidal tactics against black and indigenous people. The lacing of the smallpox disease within the fabric and fibers of millions of blankets to exterminate the native American population should never be forgotten.

The Tuskegee experiment, which gave us a look at just how evil the American government could be in the 1930’s is evidence of biological warfare.

The U.S. Public Health Department and the local government of Macon County, Alabama, intentionally infected over 400 Black men with syphilis to monitor and study the effects of the deadly virus. For more than 30 years, American public health officials pretended to treat our infected brothers while the disease spread to loved ones, families, and the entire Black community.

Keidi Obu Awadu, “The Conscious Rasta” informed us of a two-year measles vaccine study conducted by the World Health Organization. This particular study tar- geted 1,500 Black and Latino babies in Los Angeles, California. The organization failed to disclose to the par- ents that one of the vaccines was experimental. The ex- perimental unlicensed poison was determined to be known as Edmonston-Zagreb (E0-Z). The World Health Organization was totally aware that E0-Z–was linked to an increased death rate amongst Black female infants who received the vaccine.

Sisters and brothers foolishly have become so trusting to the American medical field. We fail to at least attempt to inquire or administer any personal research on the chemicals that we allow doctors to inject us within offices all around the country.

The Human Genome Project Moving Towards Completion

One of the most dangerous and wicked biological weapons being developed is The Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is an attempt to ultimately develop a biological blueprint of how our genes interact. A genome is the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) in an organism, including its genes. Genes are the unit of heredity transmitted in the chromosomes.

DNA is the primary genetic material in all living organisms. The project enables the American Medical Association and the government to determine our genetic codes. When our genetic codes are unveiled, determined, and stored, associations can determine what proteins our organisms can produce, what bour proteins can do, and what can kill or damage our proteins, organisms, and cells.

DNA is made of four chemicals called bases, abbreviated A, T, C, and G, and is repeated millions of times through a genome. The Human Genome has 3 billion
pairs of bases. Our genes are neatly coiled inside our cells, housed in a little Chamber
called the cell Nucleus. The genes are segments of invisibly thin and string DNA. The DNA is packed into little bundles, which are chromosomes. A bundle packed so tightly that if you took the DNA from one cell and stretched it out,it would extend (6) feet.
DNA is like a string with four (4) kinds of beads, which are the bases ,…

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