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No one Rises to Low Expectations

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the key attributes required to become an effective Urban Networker is the appropriate mindset. Managing your mindset will increase your ability to achieve success proportionately.

Your expectations of yourself will determine how far you go. If you have low expectations, your goals will be minimum and minor—and will have little effect on your life. High expectations mean your goals are maximum. Your belief in yourself is high, and your actions will be driven toward achieving those optimum goals. Therefore, it is crucial to believe in yourself—set high expectations, and work tirelessly toward achieving them.

“Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on our own expectations for ourselves. What

the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.” Denis Waitley

High expectations of yourself can lead to a sense of purpose and direction that propels you toward success, while low expectations can limit your ambitions and results. Our achievements will be significant. Our drive and determination to meet high expectations for our- selves will push us toward significant achievements in life.

Expectations work on you. They work on your expectations of yourself. They also work on others. If you have low expectations of an employee, their output will match your expectations. If you have high expectations of an employee, they will respond with more effort. Therefore, it is important that you set high expectations for yourself and those in your network to achieve significant success. It’s essential to remember that no one rises to low expectations.

Having high expectations of ourselves is crucial as it determines the level of success and accomplishments we will achieve.

In Urban Networking, your expectations translate into how you treat yourself and how others see you. If you have low expectations of yourself, you may dress down or not as a genuinely successful person would dress. In turn, people will observe your dress and treat you ac- cordingly. Therefore, if you dress with class and style,

people will automatically assume you possess those qualities.

“If you want to be magnificent, stop meeting ex- pectations; start exceeding them.”

In education, it is widely accepted that individuals who are subject to low expectations and negative characterizations, will inevitably embody those traits. Such a phenomenon underscores the potency of influence and leadership in shaping one’s behavior.

There was a story where a teacher at a school mixed up the records of her classes. Due to her error, the student records of the so called smart kids, were mistakenly reported as the records of low achieving youth. Because of this error, the teachers assumed that the low achievers were the smart kids and the smart kids were the low achievers. They treated them accordingly. The teachers expected high grades and better behavior from the low achievers. They treated them like “smart kids,” and the low achievers responded with better grades and behavior. Now the smart kids, who were being treated like low achievers, their behavior deteriorated, and their grades dropped.

If parents regard their children as successful individuals, they will react positively. Talk to your children. Speak to them positively and envision their success. …

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