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Minister Gail Faulkner, Author, Speaker and More

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are people in life whose sole purpose is to inspire, uplift, and empower others to succeed.

Philly’s author and minister, Gail Faulkner, takes that a step higher by incorporating the Word of God and biblical teachings into her women’s retreats, seminars, and interactive sessions. She is a wife and mother with a fire that burns mightily for the Lord and the people of God. She is currently working on several different projects, and we wanted to catch up with her to capture firsthand what’s happening and to introduce our readers to her dynamic ministry.

Sherri: How has your personal and/or professional life prepared you for what you are currently doing?
Gail: My personal preparation stems from my intimate relationship with the Lord, which involves prayer, studying His word, and daily communion with Him. Professionally, I attribute all success to the Spirit of the Lord, who has endowed me with gifts, talents, and the capability to fulfill His will, enhanced by biblical and academic education.

Sherri: As a child growing up, who were some of your mentors and why?
Gail: Growing up, my grandmother was my first mentor. She would sometimes take me with her as she preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and even baptized me in the sea waters of Trinidad. Throughout different stages of my life, the Lord placed special people who mentored and helped me grow in my faith.

Sherri: Empowering women is at the core of your ministry. Can you name a situation that you remember that began this specific journey to inspire and encourage women?
Gail: I remember a pivotal moment when I was a 22-year-old general manager at McDonald’s Family Restaurant. Young women would confide in me about their life challenges. One day, a young woman shared her suicidal thoughts with me. I listened, spoke, and prayed with her, confronting the core of her problem. She accepted Christ into her heart and was freed from oppression. Today, she received her deliverance and is still serving the Lord. This experience, among others, solidified my calling to share the transformative power of the cross and help others lead a victorious life in Christ. “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36

Sherri: What role does your husband play in the ministry, and in what ways do you seek counsel?
Gail: My husband, Michael, the co-founder of Victory House International Ministries, ministers to men facing life crises. He was the initial financier of the ministry and continues to support it financially. He is my greatest supporter and covers me and our daughters daily in prayer. He provides wise counsel, even when I plan and prepare for the women’s gatherings.

Sherri: What has been the most challenging aspect of establishing this ministry?
Gail: The most challenging aspect of establishing this ministry was overcoming the negative and hurtful words from people I know and love who doubted our abilities and calling. However, this type of adversity strengthened our resolve to trust in the Lord rather than man and reaffirmed our commitment to advancing God’s kingdom.

Sherri: In contrast, what has been the most rewarding aspect?
Gail: The most rewarding aspect is witnessing others grow in their faith and discover their spiritual gifts and callings.


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