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Mastermind the Hustle

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you accomplished your goals and dreams for the year? We are less than 125 days away from the New Year 2022. The fourth quarter is approaching the horizon. Have you Masterminded this ride called “Life” or has Life hustled and mastered you?
The pandemic has swooped down and changed life forever. However, recessions and pandemics are nothing new to our existence. It’s just that some of us have never experienced these circumstances. As we try to adjust to our new normal and the unpredictable future, it would be in our best interest to put some guidelines in place to reach our goals.
First, let’s evaluate our “SMART” or “SMARTER” goals. Over the last few months, I have explained SMART Goals but today I am adding the “E” and “R” for SMARTER GOALS. The acronym for SMART goals consists of “S” standing for Specific. “M” standing for Measurable while “A” reflects Attainable. “R” is Realistic and “T” is Timely.
The “E” in “SMARTER GOALS” represents Evaluate. Evaluate your goals every single day, and your probability of achieving your goals is higher. We have over 60,000 thoughts a day, and our minds have a cleaver way of allowing us to ignore our goals by allowing us to experience emotional numbness. The “R’ stands for Re-adjust. Sometimes when pursuing a goal you continuously hit a brick wall. When you hit a brick wall Stop, Breathe, and Re-adjust the methods, techniques, and strategies. Re-adjust means finding a different approach. That is why it is so important to constantly evaluate the goals on a daily basis so you can measure your progress.
The goal is to reassess your “SMART” Goals and Reticular Activate the intention. Remember, the Reticular Activating System is a piece of the brain located where the spinal cord is connected to the brain. This is the attention center for the brain. The Reticular Activating System has the responsibility of gate-keeping the information between the conscious mind and sensory systems. We can program our reticular activating system with affirming statements. Affirming statements are developed through setting goals, saying affirmations, and visualizing your goals.
This can only be done if you already have goals in place. If you do not have concrete, solid goals, revisit or formulate your SMART goals and evaluate your techniques. When we grow and change, our priorities reflect the growth. Adjust the timing and track your progress.
Did you achieve what you have envisioned in your goals for 2021? Master architects will weave the future. Pictåure in your mind what you want, idealize the harvest before you sow the seed.
If you are not sure what you want, continue to draft the vision in your mind. The architect visualizes his building. The inventor visualizes his idea. You are the architect of your life. You are the visionary of your dreams and goals. Figure out your “WHY” and create SMARTER Goals surrounding your purpose, cause, and belief. Opportunity is everywhere.
The most effective ways to mastermind the hustle and not let the hustle mastermind us is to have a definite purpose and harmony, carrying out our plans and a declaration of independence. “What will you give in return” forgetting what you need, want, or desire? Make a deal with the “Power That Be” or the “Power that is.”
Do you remember how to manifest your dreams and goals? Sometimes we need a reminder because life can actually get in the way and cause us to fall short of the mark.
Are we clear on the definition of manifestation? Manifestation is when your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. The first rule of manifestation is to evaluate your thoughts and feelings. Release the chains of limitation with affirmations and gratitude. Raise your vibration by doing things to make you happy, meditate and spend time with friends and families. Believe in yourself and use your divine guidance while enjoying the journey.
Step 1. Know exactly what you want.
Step 2. Visualize it – see it, feel it, taste it, smell it, and hear it.
Step 3. Use SMARTER Goals.
Step 4. Remain grateful and thankful for what you receive.
Step 5. Trust the process
We will continue this discussion next time, but until then:
✓ Listen to “Finance Geeks” Talk Radio Monday at 7 pm and Saturday at 11 am. Download the tune in-app and search for Free Agent Radio or log on to Radio Public, Spotify, Anchor, or Breaker.
✓ Purchase Post Pandemic Guide to Thrive Evolve or Die F-words (Family, Finances, and Freedom) book by Dr. Leslie Grace and Elements of the Community from Amazon.
Please email Mastermindthehustle@gmail.com with all inquiries.
Follow me on all social media platforms @drlesliegrace

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