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MasterMind the Hustle

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“If you were born poor, it is not your mistake, but if you die poor, it is your mistake.” Can we limit our mistakes and learn from the past? Since this month is Black History Month, I will highlight some families that “Followed the Money.” As stated during this “ Mastermind the Hustle” column last month, I promised to share the best practice over the next year about “Following the Money,” “Showing up for your business,” “Saving to invest,” “Avoiding debt that doesn’t pay you,” “Understanding the concept that Money Doesn’t Sleep,” as well as the need for a mentor and having “Money do the work for us.” 

“Following the Money” is the ability to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating the process. During today’s economic environment, you cannot save your way to millionaire status. However, when you start “Following the Money” it will force you to control your revenue and see opportunities. Some individuals may refer to “following the money” as a catchphrase popularized by a 1976 docudrama film “All the President’s Men,” which infers that investigating financial transactions and using them to extract information or evidence about “crime, suspect or criminal network.” In other words, money can leave clues. The money trail will help you find the “root, route, and outcome of transactions.” 


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