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Mastermind The Hustle

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The new business year 2023 will be arriving in 55 days or less. Where has the time gone? During this time of the season, we must recalibrate, re-evaluate, reset, re-adjust, reinvent, re-establish our relationship with our businesses or create a new business. 

Two of the main barriers associated with business ownership are access to proper guidance and funding. As most of you know, my mission is to assist with cultivating the mind and the land with a landscape of Entrepreneurs. I made a promise during the Greater Philadelphia Social Innovation Awards 2017 to help the youth become lifelong learners and socially responsible, self-sufficient, productive, and financially free citizens of their community. 

My promise, “I accept this award on behalf of the children in Philadelphia, especially since we are the blueprint for America. This represents the promise to continue developing, harnessing, and evolving the innovative ideas of children and their families who will help change the financial fabric of their communities.” 

Entrepreneurs are problem solvers, innovators, and visionaries who create new products for service, distribution, or manufacturing. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI), the United States is the best country for entrepreneurship, and Switzerland was in second place. Entrepreneurship is an open check, and there are no stipulations on how much money we can earn. However, our results are based on mindset, networking, and how clearly we envision the desired results. 

Out of 1000 students, 60% of the teens 14-17 years are interested in becoming their own boss instead of traditional employment, according to Junior Achievement USA. 

67% of Young people fear failure as a reason for not starting their own business.” Fear will stop us from everything. The acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear will paralyze us from obtaining our goals. 

On top of the fear, looming inflation prices, recession possibilities, the pandemic, not to mention the violence, in some places, everyone could use a couple of extra dollars. Money is not everything, but it is right up there with oxygen. You need it for everything. Moreover, this current era of shifting economic circumstances and uncertainty, new innovative industries, and economic trends and opportunities is a compelling force for networking and promoting development. 


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