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Mastermind The Hustle

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are about 17 weeks or less away from the year 2023. 

This year zoomed past with lightning speed. With the looming inflation prices, recession possibilities, the pandemic, and monkeypox–not to mention the violence, everyone could use a couple of extra dollars. However, the vibration is different, and time to reevaluate a few areas of our life. I know these next steps are a little difficult sometimes but definitely needed. Especially if we are interested in becoming a better person than we were the day before. This time of the year is considered self-improvement month, the moment when we reflect on all we have accomplished this year so far and identify which goals still need implementation. This month is dedicated to Growth, Evolution, and Pivot. 

1. Create a vision board for your life if you have not done one already or create a new one. 

In order to become the best version of yourself, you must have an idea of who you want to become and the steps needed to get where you are going. Visualize your improved self and create a plan to pivot. 

2. Set personal goals and professional goals. Maybe start with one goal for each category (personal and professional) and create a plan to accomplish it. 

Accountability is key to this step because this evaluation lets you determine your status toward self-improvement. Self-check “you” or have an accountability partner. Remember you are creating SMART goals. 

3. Self-Help books. I know the pandemic has left us a little uneasy, so we are all still adjusting to the new way of life. 


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