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MasterMind the Hustle

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April is Financial Capabilities Month. During this time of the year, we focus on awareness of the importance of financial education, the best practice in preparing individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to manage money effectively, and the serious consequences associated with the lack of education about earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing and protecting. 

Since 2003, the United States legislators have designated April as National Financial Literacy Month. April 2022 marks the 19th year of Financial Literacy Month. 

Hopefully, we are reaching the end of the pandemic. The financial impact of Covid-19 has been felt all over the globe. Inflation rates are at their highest in the United States. The Russian invasion of Ukraine escalated entire financial sectors while fuel and energy prices have skyrocketed. According to a recent financial survey, “Nearly half of Americans don’t expect to have enough money to retire comfortably.” Credit Card debt has reached an all-time high, while 40% of Americans cannot afford a $400 emergency expense. I refuse to quote the statics that relate to small businesses and the pandemic at this current time because for everyone that was trying to survive–there are success stories of thriving individuals and businesses. 


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