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Friday, July 5, 2024

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Make Yours A Happy Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we move into this brand new year, I’m thinking about how 2024 can be better than the one we’ve just transitioned out of. What it will take on our part to make life this year better? The words to Curtis Mayfield’s song sung by Gladys Knight and the Pips as part of the soundtrack for the 1974 film Claudine Make Yours A Happy Home comes to mind.
Mayfield wrote, “…Make yours a happy home, We can do it, we can do it, we can do it now, baby Uuh yeah, I get full of pride and so sanctified You don’t have to be for me No superstar I love you just the way you are So won’t you make yours a happy home Make yours a happy home…”
The song’s lyrics and beat are up-tempo, and the vocals by Gladys Knight and the Pips are great, but for me, the main attraction is the message in the music. It is a good one, a message of empowerment that says you have the ability to make yours a happy home, and this is so true.
We each have the agency and wherewithal to make our lives happy because happiness is an inside job. True happiness, genuine happiness is not dependent upon external circumstances; the amount in our bank accounts and our worldly possessions do not determine the joy, peace, and contentment we have in our lives. We have the power to control our thoughts and our passions. We have the ability to create positive images in our minds to make plans based upon these images using the intensity we invest in our goals and plans to manifest them in our lives.
We have been sold a bogus bill of goods, some lame okey-doke by people wishing to exploit us and profit from our ignorance. The psychology and subliminal messaging in mass media advertisements are designed and created to make us think we will not be happy or content unless we have the latest gizmos or gadgets, the newest iPhone, video games, or pieces of clothing–but that is all psychological manipulation. We have been subjected to decades of this type of mental influence; the older we get, the more we have been conditioned by the mind control apparatus to fall for their flim-flam. By now, we should know better!
America is going through a period of chronic mental illness; we are seeing a rise in depression, suicides, substance abuse, violence, and maladaptive behavior coupled with a concomitant decline in life expectancy.
The misnomered “public health” responses to COVID created and exacerbated a spike in mental illness not only in the US but also around the world. “In a 2021 study, nearly half of Americans surveyed reported recent symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder, and 10% of respondents felt their mental health needs were not being met. Rates of anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder have increased since the beginning of the pandemic. And people who have mental illnesses or disorders and then get COVID-19 are more likely to die than those who don’t have mental illnesses or disorders.” https://covid19.nih.gov/covid-19-topics/mental-health .
The so-called “experts” who came up with the COVID “mitigation” policies actually made things worse than the damage caused by the “virus.” At least if you were young and healthy, you had a 98.8% recovery rate–but the constant fearmongering, the lockdowns, the social isolation, and social reengineering wreaked havoc on our total society–on people of all ages and our institutions! We are witnessing and experiencing the dastardly consequences of those policies today.
Happiness is directly related to our health and to our mental, emotional, and physical states. We have a great influence and control over our health because we can control our ideation, our emotions, the foods we eat, the liquids we ingest into our bodies, our sleep habits, and the types of energy, vibrations, and frequencies we surround ourselves with. Take control over your life and body. Do not allow the mind control apparatus to dupe you into doing major harm to yourself.
Make yours a happy life. Decide today that 2024 will be a great year for you, a successful year as you and you alone define success. Make yours a happy home. Decide today you are going to create an environment that radiates peace and happiness from within. Make yours a happy life, and create an attitude and mindset of resilience so when the storms of life come, and if you are alive, you will have storms to be content with. You have the inner buoyancy and resilience to bounce back and pop back up.
No one escapes the vicissitudes of life, what William Shakespeare called the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; we all experience them at one time or another. They are a part of the life experience. It is not what happens to you that determines your happiness or the quality of your life; it is your response to life’s ups and downs! Decide today you will respond with vigor, enthusiasm, and optimism.
Make 2024 a satisfying year, and make yours a happy life no matter what life sends your way. Like the song says, “We can do it, we can do it now Baby.

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