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June: Philly Weekend in Atlanta

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If you missed it last year, plan to make it this year because Philly is heading to the ATL for the Philly Weekend in Atlanta from June 25th to 27th. Indahousemedia presents a weekend of fun and socializing.
On Friday, June 25th check-in, and enjoy some cocktails. Then get ready on Saturday (June 26th) for the Philly Weekend Block Party at Lake Pavilion, Griffin, GA. Calling folks from Southwest, North, South, and West Philly sections of the city; West Oak Lane; G-Town; Logan; Cheltenham; Mt. Airy section to Penrose and Roosevelt Blvd to stop what you are doing and listen up!
The block party will be hosted by MC Lightfoot; Robert Williams, lead singer of the Legendary Blue Magic; Philly’s Boxing Hall of Famer Kelvin “Special K” Kelly; Actor Charles “Chuck” Harris; and we will honor the musical heartbeat, Philly’s own Lil’ John Roberts.
Represent your part of town. Get your family and friends together and come spend the weekend with us in the “A.”
For more information or to get your Tickets 404-647-4707 or email pwiaparty@gmail.com.

Sunday, May 3rd Black News Channel (BNC) re-aired “Victim No More: The Joan Pendergrass Story,” by Bob Lott, of Teamwork Media Group International (TMGI)Films.
The documentary is about a beautiful woman, Joan Pendergrass, who was molested as a child and then raped as a teenager. As a young woman found herself in an abusive marriage, not once, but twice. Through it all, Joan learned how to become a survivor. She’s sharing her personal story of pain then triumph to encourage others going through rape or domestic violence that they don’t have to remain a victim. They can become a survivor.
Born out of wedlock as the bi-racial, bi-cultural offspring of a well-to-do Lebanese father and “Black” mother on the island of Dominica, Joan’s story is both an instructive and cautionary tale that must be experienced to be believed. A tale of sacrifice, hardship, emotional and physical trauma, but ultimately of triumph through love.
The inspirational and educational full-length documentary is her journey of her painful history, of her success as a businesswoman who finally found love for herself, and the love she would come to share with her “Star” and Quadriplegic husband Teddy Pendergrass.
Lott explained, ”By sharing her story, Joan wants to inspire others through her testimony. Today she is a motivational speaker and ‘Change Agent.” She is on a warpath for positivity and helping other victims whom she will teach to say, “I am a Victim No More.” She assures there is a life after the struggle, and your past Does Not Dictate Your Future!”
In her third marriage, Joan found true love with Philadelphia music legend R&B crooner Teddy Pendergrass. She wants to demonstrate through her own personal testimony that things can change and that life can be worth living, said Lott.
Joan’s story is one film, just one of the films that are airing. Bob has several films featured on BNC. “I have been blessed to have them air three of my films since their premiere in February. “Victim No More,” “Journey Through the Door of No Return,” and “Birth of Black Film.”
Dr. Robinson (Wings of An Eagle), Comprotax (Four The Hard Way), Runoko Rashidi (Travels With Runoko), and AGI (Egypt, Land Of The Pharaohs) are also on the roster.
Black News Channel (BNC) can be found in 52 million cable homes, including XFINITY (1116), DirectTV (342), Dish (361), ATT, and Spectrum. It is also available on Roku Channel, FireTV, PlutoTV, Visio, Samsung Plus, Vizio, and more!!!
Also, if you have Verizon FIOS, you can watch it by going to the Pluto Channel (839) and then choosing BNC. Well, that’s the Philly Beat!

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