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Jesus is the Reason

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This message is based on one of the two fishing episodes that we find in the Bible where fishermen spent the whole night on the sea and caught nothing. Nobody gets pleasure out of going fishing and catching nothing. And in this particular incident, the people back home were counting on the success of these fishermen for fishing was their vocation.
But as their boats came to shore, their nets were empty, and empty nets told everybody it had been an unsuccessful night. And because they had fished all night and caught nothing, this caused the people to say that they were failures. And don’t you know that failure is one of the hardest things in life to deal with? For when we fail, the initial impulse is to throw up our hands and say, “I may as well forget it.”
So after fishing all night long, Simon, Andrew, James, and John had caught nothing. And catching nothing made their spirits low, and their pride was hurt. But it was at this low point in their lives that Jesus came in and said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught.”
Now, in this situation relative to the disciples, notice the techniques that Jesus used as he became a part of their lives.
In the First Place, when they caught nothing, Jesus did not make their failure a theme for discussion, nor did he give them a lesson in fishing. You know, sometimes-good advice can be given at the wrong time. I believe in many instances it is safe to give advice “only” when people ask for it.
In the Second Place, when they caught nothing, Jesus did not moralize the problem with a lot of “you should have done this” and “you should not have done that.” No, instead of telling them why they had caught no fish, Jesus simply said, “Launch out into the deep.”
Now, mind you, these men had just finished fishing all night and had caught nothing, and if they had fished all night and caught nothing, then the fish just weren’t biting. Nevertheless, Jesus said, “Launch out into the deep.” Now, from the standpoint of common sense, these men knew if they had caught no fish, there were no fish to catch, but only having “common sense,” will not do when you’re dealing with “spiritual things.”
So from a natural standpoint, when Jesus suggested to the disciples that they go back to the lake, “Common Sense said, “It is no use.”
For when the disciples responded to Jesus and said, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” They were saying, “Why is right now any different from last night?”
Well, I’ll tell you why; if they obeyed it would be different. You see, the night before when they went fishing they went on their own, but that morning when they were instructed to return to the lake, they had a partner, and his name was Jesus. And with God, all things are possible.
So after turning the matter over in his mind, Simon Peter said, “Nevertheless at Thy Word, I will let down the net.” But, by this remark, Peter was saying many things to Jesus.
He was saying, “in spite of my professional opinion about it, because He said it, I’m going to do it.”
He was saying, “in spite of how hopeless it looks to me and others standing around the lake because He said it, I’m going to do it.
He was saying, “in spite of how contrary it seems to my many years of fishing experience because He said it, I’m going to do it.”
He was saying, “regardless of how people say fish won’t bite when the sun is shining down on the lake because He said it, I’m going to do it.
And because they obeyed the command of Jesus and launched out into the deep, their boats nearly sunk from the abundance of fish they caught. For when Peter said, “Nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net,” he caught hold of the reason things happen.
And don’t you know that today there is no change in His status. For Paul said, a long time ago, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” And I want you to know that because He is the same today as He was yesterday, Jesus is the reason that things are happening in my favor and your favor.
Jesus is the reason that we can get up every time that we fall.
Jesus is the reason that we have been born of the water and the Spirit.
Jesus is the reason that we have a new way of walking and a new way of talking.
Jesus is the reason that we have eternal life.
Jesus is the reason that my burdens are lighter, and my pathway is brighter.
Jesus is the reason that our midnights are turned into day.
Jesus is the reason that we get the strength when we feel we can’t go on.
Jesus is the reason that we have sunshine on a cloudy day.
Jesus is the reason that we have a bridge over troubled water.
Jesus is the reason we find a way out of no way.
Moreover, Remember Jesus is the reason for the Christmas Season!!!
This is Rev Dr. Wm. Rocky Brown, 3rd, letting you know that GOD and I Love you, and we approve this message because we want to motivate your mind, body & soul. So be happy and enjoy the blessings of The LORD today, my friend! Please subscribe to my website to receive these messages daily at http://www.yourspiritualmotivation.com. You can also buy my publication: “800 SAYINGS BY OLD FOLKS WHO RAISED US” from Amazon.com or by email: wmrocbe@aol.com , or by calling 215-480-5333. The cost is $15.00 plus s/h.
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