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Integrity and Politics

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As an award-winning Human Resources professional, I am proud that my profession prides itself on metrics of integrity. Integrity is the bedrock and core of our profession, e.g. background checks, documents of proof, etc. 

If an applicant lies on his/her employment application, it’s grounds for termination. 

According to HG.org, a legal resources website, “If the applicant lies about the information on the application or attached documents that such lies are grounds for termination.” 

Congressman George Santos is a walking billboard and case study of deception. He told and published lie after lie about his background during his campaign. Now he’s a newly elected Congressman, elected based on lies! 

In the workforce, lies can get you reprimanded, sued, terminated, fined, demoted, and/or jailed! Shouldn’t political leaders be held to similar standards of integrity, especially since they work for/and represent the American people? Politicians work for government agencies governed by state and federal employment laws and regulations. 

There is an interesting legal concept known as the “after-acquired evidence” rule. Essentially, “This means that employers can use the evidence that they learned about a former employee in defense of any legal claim.” 

Here’s the juicy part. “The employer’s position is that it would not have hired the applicant in the first place if he or she had been honest on the application.” Would the American citizens of New York have elected Santos if they knew his resume and life story were a fraud? 

Why does a double standard exist for political leaders? 


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