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Improve your posture and your overall wellness with these tips

Reading Time: 4 minutes

by Patricia Sarmiento

Good posture is an important aspect of our physical health, helping to reduce pain and even allowing us to breathe easier. It can be challenging to maintain, especially if you sit at work most of the day. The good news is that you don’t have to stand for hours on end to acquire healthy posture if you have the right tools, which might include a footrest, an ergonomic chair, or a mobile desk.
For those who are active during the day and still find themselves slumping, there are exercises you can try to assist with better posture, as well as items you can use at home that will help keep your spine and neck aligned. Today, we present a few things you can try to improve your posture.

Getting More Movement
Incorporating more steps into your daily routine is a simple yet effective way to boost your physical ac- tivity and overall health. One easy strategy is to take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. During your workday, consider a walking meeting or take short breaks to stroll around the office or block. If you commute by public transport, getting off a stop early and walking the rest of the way can significantly increase your step count. For those working from home, setting a reminder to walk around the house or garden every hour can be beneficial. By finding creative ways to integrate walking into your daily activities, you can easily increase your step count, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Stand Tall for Bone, Muscle, and Joint Health
You may not realize how much the way you stand affects your posture and, in turn, your overall health. Try standing up naturally and take note of the position of your shoulders, hips, and neck. Are you slumped forward? Now bring yourself up to stand tall, with your shoulders back and your chin parallel to the floor. This puts your spine in a neutral position and relieves the strain on your muscles and joints as your weight is distributed evenly. It can even help you feel more confident, especially in a new work or social situation.

Make a Reminder Poster
Creating a poster to remind you about maintaining good posture in your workspace is a brilliant idea for promoting health and productivity. With the plethora of templates available online, you can easily design an eye-catching poster tailored to your preferences. After selecting your preferred template, you have the freedom to personalize it further by adding your own images, logo, fonts, and specific text to convey your message effectively. Remember to use images to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your poster, making it not only a functional reminder but also a visually appealing element in your workspace.

Reduce Stress and Chronic Pain
The right stance can significantly reduce pressure on your hips and joints, but if you have chronic back or neck pain, there are other things you can do to feel better physically. Multiple studies have shown that stress and chronic pain may be related, so taking steps to reduce stressful situations in your daily life could be a big help.
If you work from home, saving time is a great way to cut down on stress. Design your home office to maximize efficiency, starting with the proper lighting, an organized storage system (for files), and a clutter-free desk. A mobile desk is a great option for maintaining good posture, or you can look for a well-designed chair that will protect your spine and allow you to sit at the right height to prevent “tech-neck” at your computer.

Walk More Often
Walking can help improve your posture by strengthening the muscles in your core, back, and neck — that are responsible for maintaining good posture. Additionally, walking encourages better breathing while lengthening and toning the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back, helping to hold you in an upright position and maintain a good stance.
If you don’t happen to live in an apartment complex with amenities for walking, consider alternatives such as hiking trails or locating an outside gym with treadmills. You can use an online search to quickly find options in your area and filter them for the features you’re looking for.

Try Some Yoga Stretches
Another great way to reduce stress and promote healthy posture is to learn a few yoga techniques. Whether you want to join a class or just learn a few stretches that you can do at your desk to loosen up, yoga can help you boost your spine health. Yoga can also strengthen those muscles so that your body begins to naturally stand tall. There are several different types of yoga, so it’s best to find a few simple stretches to begin with in order to prevent injury.

Reducing Caffeine Consumption
Cutting back on caffeine can have a noticeable impact on reducing feelings of anxiety and tension, which, in turn, can lead to better posture. High caffeine intake often leads to increased stress levels and nervousness, causing muscles to tighten and leading to a hunched or tense posture. By keeping an eye on how much caffeine you’re consuming, especially from sources like espresso, tea, and energy drinks, you can manage these effects more effectively. Reducing caffeine can help you maintain a calmer state of mind and a more relaxed body, which is conducive to adopting a healthier, more natural posture. This not only contributes to physical well-being, with reduced strain on your back and neck, but also to an overall sense of relaxation and improved mental health.

Utilize the Right Tools at Work
If you spend much of your day on the phone for work, even the right yoga stretches may not be enough to help reduce pain and keep your body aligned for healthy posture. Cradling an office phone under your chin or holding a cell phone several times throughout the day can have a significant impact on the way you sit or stand and the position of your neck, so it’s best to use a hands-free device. You might also use a footrest beneath your desk to help you relieve pressure on your muscles and joints and to sit up straighter.

Care for Your Back to Feel Better Overall
Improving your posture can be uncomfortable at first, but the more you work at it, the easier it will become. Try giving your home office a stress-free makeover, walk more often, and don’t forget to stand tall in order to reduce pain and boost your confidence.
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