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HUD announces $5 Billion Nationwide to house people experiencing Homelessness

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New Jersey to Receive 1,595 Emergency Housing Vouchers

WASHINGTON–U.S. May 17, 2021—Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge announced the allocation of $5 billion in American Rescue Plan funds for emergency housing vouchers for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Secretary Fudge an- nounced a Zoom call with Congressman David Price (NC), Senator Patty Mur- ray (WA), Dallas, TX Mayor Eric Johnson, and Oakland, CA Mayor Libby Schaaf.

The supplemental funding is allocated through the Emergency Housing
Voucher (EHV) program. Through EHV, HUD is providing 70,000 housing choice vouchers to local public hous- ing authorities (PHAs) across the country to help Americans find and remain in housing. For a full list of initial allocations go to https://www.hud.gov/ehv.

“While most of us spent more time in our homes than we ever have, more than half a million Americans had to spend the last year either in crowded shelters or sleeping outside,” said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. “With HUD’s swift allocation of this $5 billion in American Res- cue Plan funding, we are providing communities the re- sources to give homes to the people who have had to endure the COVID-19 pandemic without one. Congress now needs to pass the President’s American Jobs Plan. This once-in-a-generation investment would bring the United States closer to ending homelessness and housing instability.”

“Even prior to the pandemic, homelessness was increas- ing in New Jersey. HUD’s emergency housing vouchers will provide vital resources to communities across the Gar- den State to house individuals and families who are expe-

riencing homelessness or those at risk of homelessness,” said Justin Scheid, HUD Newark Field Office Director. “In New Jersey, fifteen housing authorities will be receiving a total of 1,595 vouchers to provide homes to vulnerable res- idents who have endured the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The $5 billion in EHV-ARP funding gives communities the resources needed to help eligible households find and remain in housing. HUD estimates that these EHVs, along- side resources provided by the CARES Act, could help house 130,000 households.

The $5 billion in EHV-ARP funding is the second of two homelessness-related funding opportunities from the American Rescue Plan that HUD released. In April, HUD announced the allocation of $5 billion in ARP funds to in- crease affordable housing to address homelessness.

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.

More information about HUD and its programs is avail- able on the Internet at www.hud.gov and http://espanol.hud.gov.

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