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How Hanukkah is a fun time for family and friends

Reading Time: 4 minutes

by Claudell Evans, published in
ScoopUSA Newspaper December 2012

Hanukkah Activities
Hanukkah is a fun time for family and friends in the Jewish community
Hanukkah is the most popular holiday on the Jewish calendar. It is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev, which is the third month of the Jewish calendar and occurs sometime in December of the Gregorian calendar. The Hanukkah holiday lasts eight successive days, during which eight candles are lit, beginning with one on the first night, two on the second night, three on the third night, and so on. The celebration also is known as the Feast of Lights, the Feast of Dedication, and the Feast of the Maccabees. Hanukkah means “dedication” and commemorates the rededication of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 165 B.C. following a victorious rebellion by the Jews against their oppressors.

History of Hanukkah
In 168 B.C., the Syrian ruler Antiochus, who worshipped Grecian deities, seized control of Jerusalem and converted the Temple that was dedicated to the Jews God to become a pagan temple for Zeus. Anåtiochus ordered the Jews to switch their allegiance to the Greek gods and to abandon their traditional faith in pain of death. Some Jews complied to save their lives, but others fought the Greek soldiers, although they were severely outnumbered by well-armed warriors.
In a small village called Modiin, not far from Jerusalem, the soldiers called the Jews together and told them to worship an idol as well as eat swine flesh—both of which are considered a defilement to Jews. The priest Mattathias was asked to lead the unholy ceremony, but he refused. Another Jew offered to do it instead, but Mattathias became enraged and killed the man with his sword and with the help of his five sons, killed the soldiers.
The priest and his sons escaped into the nearby wilderness, joined by other Jewish rebels, and they continued to attack the Greeks whenever they could. Eventually, they overcame the Greek soldiers, and led by Judah Maccabee, returned to the Temple to reclaim it for the Lord.
After cleaning the sanctuary, they prepared to light the menorah in a rededication ceremony. But they could find only a little undefiled olive oil—just enough for one night. They lit the candles anyway and watched as miraculously, the menorah continued to burn hour after hour, day after day, until eight days had passed. By then, the Jews had gotten more oil to keep the lamps burning.
The miracle of the eight-day lighting celebrates the Jews’ victory over their enemies. It also represents the light of hope in the heart of winter darkness. Today, Jews around the world participate in Hanukkah celebration traditions as a time of joy and peace.

Hanukkah Celebration Traditions
The history of Hanukkah traditions centers on a few key items that are widely recognized as part of this joyful holiday.
The menorah, or candleholder, takes many forms and designs from one culture to another. The original Temple menorah had seven candles to reflect the seven days of God’s creation of the world, plus the day of rest. An eighth candle was used to light the other seven. Nowadays, a typical Hanukkah menorah has eight candles, with a center candle for lighting the others cumulatively throughout the eight days of the holiday.
Menorahs are not only functional, they are also artistic and contribute an aesthetic element. Often their decorations embody the particular culture of their location. Families hold lighting ceremonies in their homes each of the eight nights as they pass on the story of the miraculous burning oil.
Another important item that is used to commemorate Hanukkah is the dreidel. Shaped like a four-sided children’s spinning top, it is thought that the dreidel was originally used during the Maccabee era to deceive the guards who spied on the Jews to keep them from worshipping the true God. When soldiers came to check on them, the Jews spun the dreidel as though gambling, when in actuality, each of the four sides held a Hebrew letter with special meaning. In modern times, Jewish children play a game with the spinning dreidel to win candy or other favors in the “pot” set aside as the prize for each child’s winning turn.

Hanukkah Activities
Hanukkah is a fun time for family and friends in the Jewish community. Lighting the menorah can be kept within the immediate family or shared with extended relatives or a party of friends. This conveys a spiritual as well as a social meaning to the gathering.
The dreidel can be played as a game for candy or coins, among other items, and is enjoyed by children and sometimes adults, too.
Parents often give “gelt,” or gifts of money, to their children by having them find the coins or simply giving them directly. Because Hanukkah coincides closely with the Christian holiday of Christmas, some Jewish parents may present wrapped gifts to their children and other family members in a similar celebration. In addition to chocolate, candy, and toys, typical Hanukkah gifts include games, books, and clothing—the same sort of things that children receive at Christmas and for other special holidays.
Records have been set and broken for the tallest pile of jelly doughnuts, a Hanukkah favorite, and the tallest menorah in community-wide events celebrated in Israel and the U.S.

Hanukkah Food
Foods fried in oil, which recalls the famous oil in the Temple rededication, are popular for this holiday. Latkes, or potato pancakes, are a traditional favorite. These are made by grating raw potatoes and mixing them with grated onion, salt and pepper, egg yolks, and a little flour.
They are dropped as small balls or patties into a skillet, browned on both sides, and then served with a side of applesauce or sour cream. You can find latkes at many delicatessens, or you can buy a commercial mix and make them yourself—unless you prefer cooking the old-fashioned way, from scratch.
Doughnuts without holes, called “sufganiyot,” are deep-fried and jelly- or custard-filled. They can have a regular round shape or take unusual shapes. Sometimes, they are sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar or cinnamon. In Israel, they are sold by street vendors in the weeks leading up to Hanukkah. Of course, you can buy them at bakeries or some supermarkets as well.

Home Decorations
Families can make their own beeswax candles for this holiday by following directions on packages found in art and craft shops.
Hanukkah gift wrap can be made by drawing images of a menorah, a dreidel, or a star of David in rows or patterns on pretty background paper that is suitable for wrapping gifts.
Window or doorway decorations can be hung throughout the home and often are round in silver or gold colors on a blue ornament.

Hanukkah Guests
If you are invited to a Hanukkah party, ask about the preferred style of dress. Most are casual, at-home affairs, but some might be held in a public restaurant.
Suitable gifts to take could include a box of chocolates or a tin of butter cookies, which recently have joined the menu of traditional treats served at this very special celebration.
Hanukkah is an old celebration that continues to be enjoyed around the world today.

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