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Here we go again

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“The immediate response by the global economic cartel to South Africa’s request for a delay in delivering US pharma jabs on November 24th, 2021, was to declare a new covid variant from South Africa 48 hours later and then isolate the country from the rest of the world. This has a significant economic consequence on the people of South Africa and other African nations (19) of course…it’s a punishment or retaliation for not towing the economic cartels’ big pharma line it would seem.” Rising up against COVID Inoculations and the Health Pass by Stewart Brennan
Under the guise of battling a global health crisis, many countries, especially in the West, are engaging in massive overreach, expanding and usurping of powers under the pretext of resolving the COVID pandemic. Around the world, governments are arbitrarily and capriciously invoking emergency powers that run counter to not only medical and scientific precedent but also the constitutional guarantees upon which their governments are supposedly founded.
Governments in cahoots and collusion with transnational pharmaceutical companies, unelected technocrats, and philanthrocapitalism oligarchs are setting policy, mandating injections of untested, potentially unsafe mRNA concoctions, locking down whole societies, banning travel, and engaging in medical martial law, segregation and apartheid. They are creating in essence a two-tiered society comprised of: those who comply with the government overreach and the nonconformists who don’t. We are seeing this in Australia, Austria, France, Canada, Britain, and the US. Their goal is worldwide compliance.
Africa is being demonized and targeted especially hard, given the new COVID “Omicron variant” supposedly originated in South Africa. Travel bans against several African nations were immediately put into effect around the world when little is actually known of this supposed “variant.” “A ‘super mutant’ Covid variant has sparked a ban around the world on non-essential travel to South Africa and neighboring states, with several EU countries, the US and Russia becoming the latest nations to impose restrictions. US President Joe Biden announced a travel ban applying to Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Russia has rolled out restrictions on entry from the aforementioned countries, as well as Tanzania and the Chinese autonomous city of Hong Kong. It includes nationals of those countries and territories, as well as foreigners who visited in the past ten days. Speaking last Friday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for all air travel to and from countries with reported cases of the new variant to be suspended until officials have a better understanding of the risk it poses.” Growing list of countries with curbs over “super mutant” strain
https://www.rt.com/news/541399-eu- africa-travel-coronavirus/
Here we go again, more COVID hype and fear-mongering. Unfortunately, just like the hype and manufactured hysteria over SARS-COV-2, the “Omicron variant” lethality is unknown, has not been documented, and the government response is an overreaction. The doctor who “discovered” the Omicron strain says its effects are mild, just like COVID-19 is for most healthy people!
https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/safrican-doctor-says-patients-with-omicron-variant-have- very-mild-symptoms-2021-11-28/
When we scratch beneath the surface of the fear-mongering about this variant, we see more anomalies and contradictions. First, the continent of Africa has had very few cases of COVID-19 relative to the West, and as a result, many African nations have eschewed the injections. South Africa, for example, asked for a delay in receiving the COVID mRNA inoculations then kaboom the “Omicron variant” hit the region! Coincidence, I don’t think so.
“An interesting twist to this story is that a majority of South Africans refuse the COVID inoculations and so the S.A. gov’t has delayed/canceled shipments of these mRNA inoculations (17). So, why do the South African people refuse COVID inoculations? Well, because they have had very bad experiences with inoculations and sociopathic governments in the past (18), that’s why, and so they don’t trust those connected to the Global economic cartel, and nor should you. The immediate response by the global economic cartel to South Africa’s request for a delay in delivering US pharma jabs on November 24th was to declare a new covid variant from South Africa 48 hours later and then isolate the country from the rest of the world. This has a significant economic consequence on the people of South Africa and other African nations (19) of course…it’s a punishment or retaliation for not towing the economic cartels’ big pharma line it would seem.” Rising up against the COVID Jabs and Health Pass by Stweart Brennan
The “Omicron variant” origin tale also fits the racist narrative of Africa as a place of disease, backwardness, and pandemic; remember we were told HIV-AIDS originated in Africa. Also, several leaders of African nations who resisted and, in one case, mocked the COVID narrative and vaccines died mysteriously.
All coronaviruses mutate, which is how they survive, which is why no vaccine will ever eradicate them. The common cold is a coronavirus. There is no vaccine for that. Coronaviruses are not the plague! Don’t believe the hype, don’t fall for the okey-doke.

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