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Eighteen Projects Receive Montco 2040 Implementation Grants from Montgomery County

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NORRISTOWN, PA – The Montgomery County Commissioners today announced that eighteen projects in the county will receive Montco 2040 Implementation Grants. The new grants continue an exciting program aimed at implementing the county comprehensive plan, Montco 2040: A Shared Vision. The program’s intent is to assist municipalities in making targeted physical improvements that achieve real progress toward the goals of the plan and the plan’s themes of Connected Communities, Sustainable Places, and Vibrant Economy.  

Today’s grant awards account for $2,500,000 across these eighteen municipalities. The county received applications from municipalities, totaling over $4 million in requests. Projects were evaluated in terms of impact, equity, county and local planning consistency, project readiness, and funding attributes by a committee consisting of Montgomery County Planning Commission Board members and interdepartmental county staff. Projects were also given heightened consideration when addressing one of three focus categories for 2022: Walk/Bike Montco – Trails, Paths, Sidewalk Connections and Bike Facilities; Downtown and Community Destination Support; and Adaptation and Resiliency. The county continues to address equity concerns through this program, asking municipalities about how their projects address equity locally, whether it was the project being proposed or the process the municipality intends to take (or has already taken) when planning for or implementing the project.

“When we started the Montco 2040 Implementation Grant Program, I was excited to see what kind of projects would come out of the program and how municipalities would take up the county’s offer to help implement the comprehensive plan at the local level. Now at year seven, we have seen some amazing projects come out of this initiative. These projects range from improvements in walkability with sidewalk installation projects in Collegeville and Lower Moreland, park renovations in Jenkintown, and traffic calming in Upper Merion,” said Dr. Valerie A. Arkoosh, Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. 

Since the initiation of the Montco 2040 Implementation Grant Program in 2016, 113 grants, totaling over $12.7 million, have been awarded to 51 municipalities. The eighteen projects receiving grants in 2022 are highlighted below:  

Abington Township
Safe Routes for Youth and Seniors
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $110,236
This project looks to construct pedestrian infrastructure along Edge Hill Road and Susquehanna Road, which will provide immediate access to educational, community, medical, transportation, and business services in Abington Township. 

Ambler Borough
Ambler Theater Masonry Repair
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
Ambler is receiving funds for vital structural repairs to masonry at historic Ambler Theater. Work includes removal of façade brick, replacement of corroded 1928 steel brick supports with new materials, and reinstallation of façade bricks. 

Douglass Township
Douglass Park Tennis Courts Renovation and Conversion
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $80,239
This project will resurface an existing tennis court, convert one tennis court into four pickleball courts, and develop an ADA accessible pathway between the existing path and the courts. ADA accessible picnic tables will added near the courts. A bike rack will be installed at the newly resurfaced basketball courts. 

Jenkintown Borough
School Zone Extension
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $48,000
The Jenkintown School Zone Extension project will extend the current school zone approximately 450 feet north on Walnut Street to provide a continuous school zone for student walkers (approximately 90%). The project proposes two new school flasher assemblies with pavement markings and signage. PennDOT has already approved the extension. 

Lansdale Borough
Stony Creek Pedestrian and Bike Improvements
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $68,000
Lansdale proposes to install a new pedestrian/bicycle crossing on Hancock Street. The crossing will include a Flashing Warning Device (FWD) and bicycle fix-it station at the Stony Creek Park entrance at the intersection of Hancock Street and Andale Green Drive. 

Lower Gwynedd Township
The Bethlehem Pike Pedestrian Improvement Project – Southbound West Side (Gap Funding)
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $78,667
This pedestrian improvement project proposes the extension of sidewalk, curbing, ramps, and a pedestrian bridge on the west side of Bethlehem Pike. Due to the delays from the COVID-19 pandemic and a significant increase in construction costs, current funding will only support improvements on the east side of Bethlehem Pike. 

Perkiomen Township
Perkiomen Creek Tributary Restoration Project
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
Perkiomen seeks to restore (as much as possible) a section of an unnamed tributary to the Perkiomen Creek to its original location. This restoration will result in a reduction in sedimentation, stabilization of the streambank, and reduced stream degradation. 

Pottstown Borough
Riverfront Park Streambank Stabilization and Bridge Restoration
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
The streambank stabilization will repair the streambank, improve the riparian buffer, and make repairs to the pedestrian bridge to keep the bridge safe for Schuylkill River Trail users. 

Springfield Township
Cisco Park Improvements
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $130,000
Springfield Township’s Cisco Park Improvement Project will implement improved erosion controls and earthwork, construct ADA parking/walkway, add park amenities (i.e., benches, trash cans, and a pavilion), and undertake landscaping improvements in preparation for the replacement of the existing playground structures (which is to be funded by previously awarded state grants). 

Trappe Borough
Trappe Borough Hall Rain Garden and Stormwater Playground
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $162,000
A new rain garden and stormwater playground are proposed for installation behind borough hall in the middle of a new ADA ramp (under construction) to the building. 

Upper Dublin Township
Greater Fort Washington District Zip Ramp
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
This project will construct a new off-ramp from the PA Turnpike Fort Washington Interchange with direct access into the Greater Fort Washington District at Commerce Drive. This new zip ramp is one of seven locations included in the county’s PA Turnpike corridor reinvestment study. 

Upper Gwynedd Township
Haines Run Streambank Restoration – Phase I
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
Upper Gwynedd is proposing to construct streambank stabilization measures along Haines Run. The project also includes the construction of a stormwater detention basin and regrading of drainage areas. 

Upper Merion Township
First Avenue Linear Park – Phase 3
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
This project is the final step in completing the trail through Moore Park KOP. Phase 3 involves installing the trail along the remaining gap on the south side of First Ave from Allendale Road to Gulph Road on six properties. The project will construct 1,784 linear feet of multimodal trail, solar power pedestrian lighting, solar power bus shelters, trash cans, benches, and plantings. 

Upper Moreland Township
Warminster Road Sidewalk Installation
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $200,000
This project proposes to install approximately 500 linear feet of sidewalk along the south side of Warminster Road from Greenbelt Drive to Mill Road. The project will tie into pedestrian improvements completed as part of the Warminster Road bridge replacement being completed by PennDOT. 

Upper Salford Township
Park to Perkiomen Trail Connector – Phase 2 (Gap Funding)
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $100,000
Upper Salford is seeking gap funding to complete this trail project, which was awarded funds in 2021. Due to supply chain issues and substantially higher material costs, the cost to complete the trail exceeds the original project budget by $199,325. The work includes ADA-compatible trail construction, purchase of construction materials, and installation of a PennDOT-approved road crossing. 

West Conshohocken Borough
Mackenzie Park Improvements
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $100,000
West Conshohocken proposes the renovation and upgrade of an existing park. The borough has adopted a master plan consisting of four phases. Phase 1 includes the installation of stormwater management facilities, upgrade and expansion of existing walking path, and ADA accessibility improvements. 

West Pottsgrove Township
Old Timer’s Field Improvements
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $38,900
This project proposes to install a 330-linear-foot grass berm to reduce field flooding, construct a rain garden at existing inlet, restore a playing field, install new fencing around the field, install a new backstop, improve ADA access to field and existing bench, and install a bike rack and new bleachers. This project will also renovate dugouts with new benches and storage racks, install two new storage sheds, and install total of 4 new recycle and trash bins. 

Whitpain Township
Pedestrian Connections to link Core Connector Phase 3 Trail to Wentz Run Park
Montco 2040 Grant Award: $183,308
Whitpain Township is seeking funding for the installation of pedestrian connections and associated signage to provide a link between the northern end of the Core Connector Phase 3 Wentz Run Trail and Wentz Run Park. 

Visit www.montcopa.org/Montco2040GrantProgram for more on the Montco 2040 Implementation Grant Program. 

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