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Dove and The Crown Coalition Applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for Passing The Crown Act

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Roll Call | Bill Number H.R. 2116 – 

March 18, 2022 (117th Congress 2nd Session) 

Status: PASSED 235 – 189 

*14 Republicans voted “yay” to passing the CROWN Act

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., March 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The CROWN Coalition, a national alliance founded by Dove, National Urban League, Western Center on Law & Poverty and Color Of Change, along with over 90 members of the CROWN Coalition praise the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the CROWN Act of 2022. Led by Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-New Jersey’s 12th congressional district), along with 116 cosponsors, the Democratic-led House voted 235-189 to pass the CROWN Act. 

This week, the Massachusetts State House also passed the CROWN Act by a unanimous vote on Thursday, March 17, 2022, and will now go to the State Senate for consideration. The bill sponsor, Malden State Rep. Steven Ultrino, believes this law is long overdue. “This message is to those people who have been discriminated against, whether in the workplace or in schools, that it’s not going to tolerated,” said Rep. Ultrino. | source: CBS News, Boston 

The CROWN Act legislation (H.R. 2116) provides legal protection from hair discrimination based on the texture of natural hair or hairstyles such as braids, locs, twists, bantu knots and Afros. The bill would require that discrimination on this basis be treated as if it were race or national origin discrimination under Titles VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, and certain other Federal civil rights laws. | source: WhiteHouse.Gov 

Per an official statement released by the Executive Office of the President on March 15, 2022, “The President believes that no person should be denied the ability to obtain a job, succeed in school or the workplace, secure housing, or otherwise exercise their rights based on a hair texture or hair style. Over the course of our Nation’s history, society has used hair texture and hairstyle — along with race, national origin, and skin color— to discriminate against individuals. Pernicious forms of systemic racism persist when dress and grooming codes, for example, prohibit hair texture or hairstyle that is commonly associated with a particular race or national origin. Such discrimination has imposed significant economic costs, learning disruption, and denial of economic opportunities for people of color. Black women, for example, experience discrimination in hiring because of natural hair styles, and Black girls experience disproportionate rates of school discipline, sometimes for discriminatory hair violations.” | source: WhiteHouse.Gov 

“Natural Black hair is often deemed ‘unprofessional’ simply because it does not conform to white beauty standards,” said Rep. Watson Coleman. “Discrimination against Black hair is discrimination against Black people. I’m proud to have played a part to ensure that we end discrimination against people for how their hair grows out of their head.” 

So…what’s next? The companion bill now heads to the Senate, where Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey has sponsored the chamber’s version of the bill. | source: Congress.Gov 

“This has been a tremendous week for the CROWN ACT! First, a nod from the President and now the federal bill passes in the US House of Representatives,” said Esi Eggleston Bracey, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Beauty and Personal Care at Unilever North America. “Dove believes Black women, men and children should have the freedom to wear their natural hair without the fear of job loss or education. On behalf of Dove and the Coalition, we applaud Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman and the U.S. House of Representatives for taking this important action again.” 

“As a lifelong racial equity champion, I am beyond proud to be the one who developed the legislative strategy for the CROWN Act, and to lead this nationwide movement on behalf of the CROWN Coalition I co-created. I’m forever grateful for the many lawmakers who trusted me early on, including my good friends former Congressman Cedric Richmond and Senator Cory Booker, and championed this groundbreaking legislation.” – Adjoa B. Asamoah, Lead Strategist 

“The National Urban League continues to be a strong supporter behind the mission of THE CROWN ACT, and we are committed to making an impact with the CROWN Coalition,” said Marc Morial, CEO of the National Urban League and one of the founding members of the CROWN Coalition. “Hair discrimination, whether in schools or in the workforce should simply not be allowed and we will continue to rally policymakers and our communities to end discriminatory practices that disproportionality affects our communities of color. Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman has our support, now let’s work to get it passed in the Senate chamber.” – Marc Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League (NUL) and one of the original founding members of the The inaugural CROWN Act was signed into law by Governor Newsom in California on July 3, 2019 and went into effect January 1, 2020. 

National CROWN Day (July 3) is a special annual holiday commemorating the inaugural signing of the first CROWN Act legislation in the United States in 2019 to “Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair.” 

In 2019, Dove and the CROWN Coalition partnered with then State Senator Holly J. Mitchell of California to introduce The CROWN Act legislation to address the disparate impact of hair discrimination on Black people in workplaces and in schools. California Senate Bill 188 (SB 188) was introduced in January 2019 and signed into law on July 3, 2019, making California the first state to prohibit discrimination based on protective hairstyles and hair texture associated with race. 

The law has been passed in 14 states and 36 municipalities. 

Nineteen (19) additional states have introduced the legislation this year. 

With the passing of The CROWN Act in the House of Representatives, the federal bill now advances to the U.S. Senate for the second time. 

“The CROWN Act underscores the critical importance of moving policy and culture towards a more inclusive America, and we applaud all our state and federal legislators who have pushed this legislation forward. We are honored that Dove and our CROWN Coalition partners entrusted us to create and lead this modern civil rights movement to end race-based hair discrimination and are immensely proud as we inch closer to this becoming the law of land,” said Kelli Richardson Lawson and Orlena Nwokah Blanchard, principal owners of JOY Collective, the firm responsible for originating the idea and legislative movement behind the CROWN Act. 

As a founding member of The CROWN Coalition, Dove has championed The CROWN Act movement, created, and driven by a team of Black leaders working with a village of women who share a desire to end discrimination including Esi Eggleston Bracey and Erin Goldson of Dove, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Holly J. Mitchell, and JOY Collective agency leaders, Kelli Richardson Lawson, Orlena Nwokah Blanchard, and Adjoa B. Asamoah as lead legislative strategist. We are encouraging everyone to join The CROWN Act movement and help us #PASSTHECROWN to end race-based hair discrimination in the U.S. by signing the petition at www.thecrownact.com. 

About The CROWN Coalition 

The CROWN Coalition is a national alliance founded by Dove, National Urban League, Color Of Change and Western Center on Law & Poverty, to end race-based hair discrimination in America. The Coalition, now consisting of 85 supporting organizations, is the founder of the CROWN Act movement and was the official sponsor of the inaugural CROWN Act legislation in California in 2019. For a full list of CROWN Coalition members, visit www.theCROWNact.com. 

The CROWN Coalition is proud to support anti-hair discrimination legislation to address unfair grooming policies that have a disparate impact on Black women, men and children and has drawn attention to cultural and racial discrimination taking place within workplaces and public schools. The CROWN Coalition members believe diversity and inclusion are key drivers of success across all industries and sectors.

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